Sin Justification

Sin Justification – Today people will do what is called …

Sin Justification

Sin Justification

People who justify their sin, will try to say what sin they are doing is okay and doesn’t go Against God’s will. Most of those who try to justify their sin, will try to twist the scriptures to meet what they are doing, instead of them allowing the scriptures to form them.

They believe it is okay to sin against God and all will be just fine. It doesn’t matter the sin, all sin is serious to God. Most people usually do this to make themselves feel like they are doing good and on the right track. Or they will compare themselves as a good person vs a bad person.

Sin justification will never bring repentance

The living in open sin and justifying it, one reason we don’t hear from God. We must come to God with a retentive heart. God will not tolerate sin. God will chastise His children when they sin.

Some will totally ignore or skip over parts they they feel don’t pertain to them. Those who justify their sin will say oh that is Bible times, we now live in a modern time. They allow the world to form their opinion and not what the Word of God says.

A lie from the devil

Sin Justification is nothing but a lie from the devil. The devil is the father of lies (See John 8:43-44)  and the devil comes like a thief to steal and kill,  (See John 10:10) robbing you of all your joy and much more. Check out 10 Lies from the Devil

If you love me

God says if you love me you will obey my commands. No we are not perfect (All have Sinned Romans 3:23) and not sinless, mo one can say they are without sin. As a follower of Christ, we should strive to sin less. When we do sin, it separates us from God and we should want to repent and strive to restore that relationship with Christ. A true sin you are saved, you will feel the correcting hand of God (Chastisement from God). We should feel that remorse that we did wrong and want to make it right with God and our fellow brothers and sisters.

Filthy Rags

We have to understand we are like filthy rags to God, unless we truly repent (turn away from) and put our 100% total trust in Jesus. When we do that we are covered by the righteous blood of Jesus. Just because Jesus died for us, doesn’t give us a License to Sin.

God did give us a freed will. We chose daily to obey Him or rebel and disobey Him. Our sin is what separates us from God. God never leaves us. We are the ones that walk away from Him. We are like sheep that went astray.

Have you always heard the saying, our actions have consequences. This saying is very true. The sin we do has consequence. We will have to answer to God for everything we do or don’t do. There are two choices we can ultimately make. Those two choices are either to accept Jesus or Reject Jesus.

We need to stop justifying our sin and call it out for what it is ….


Sin is sin! Let’s call it what it is. The good thing is we can be forgiven!

We need take it to God and let Him help us with it and let Him use us. Not do it our way. We must do it His way.

God does love us. But God is also a just judge and will punish those who don’t accept Jesus. God is not like our court systems here, where a judge can be unfair. God will be fair. He set his standards for us.

They key is acceptance of Jesus Christ with a 100% total surrender and trust in Him. It is also having a repentant heart and not living in open sin It’s a 180, not a 360!

First published Sept. 27, 2015. Republished with additions since original on July 23, 2020.

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