You, Sin and Christ – Simple Illustration

You, Sin and Christ - Simple Illustration

You, Sin and Christ – A Simple Illustration – a great way to show how the blood of Jesus Christ can wash us clean.

You, Sin and Christ – Simple Illustration


If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
Jesus Christ was the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
God placed upon Him the Sin of us all.
So He can Justified the Sins of the Whole World

This video is a great illustration or analogy to show us how Jesus can wipe our slate clean. Sin has no bearing on us if we are Saved through Christ. He washes us white as snow. He takes the magic eraser you can say and whites the slate clean. Also, our sins, after we are saved are cast as far as the East is to the West.

Watch how when sin enters you it turns it, but watch how when Christ is poured into you that the sin is cleansed. Watch as how he tries to pour sin into Christ and how Christ won’t turn. That shows how Christ is without sin.

I saw this video on Facebook and wanted to share it, but the guy talking spoke a different language. I finally found this video where someone is speaking English.

You, Sin and Christ – Simple Illustration Share on X

Blog entries on sin:

This is just a few of the blog entries on sin at Courageous Christian Father.

You may also want to check out this blog post on forgiveness.

Below are Scripture references to look up that go with this illustration:

  • Psalm 103:11-12
  • John 3:16
  • 1 John 1:8-10
  • 1 John 2:2
  • Romans 3:25
  • 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • Hebrews 9:22
  • Isaiah 1:18

Can you think of other scriptures that go with this illustration, I would love to hear from you.

Chemicals used in the You, Sin and Christ – Simple Illustration

After I posted this I had a person give me a comment asking what chemicals were used, so I went to look into it. I came across these, I am not totally sure, but this is what I found. One person said they do this experiment the key ingredient is Sodium Thiosulfate. But another person shared posted this, and it seems to make more sense and what I was thinking the ingredients were.

This is not mine, it was someone Else’s video I am sharing. I just know of the chemicals that were used. Please use caution when doing this too.

You = water
Sin = water + iodine
Christ = water + bleach

I am sure in lieu of iodine, you can use a dark colored soda/ coke or dark colored drink. You could also use water and dark food coloring. The key thing is the bleach. The bleach is what strips the color in this illustration.

Also safety first, make sure to wear safety glasses when performing this illustration.

Here are links to other people
doing the same thing on YouTube.

I will try to add more as they pop up. But this is a list at this time. Check back to this post often! If you know of any that I can add or I should take off, please let me know.

If you liked this demonstration then you should check out this one on prayer:
It’s All Clear.

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Remember you may know how Christ washes us clean, but someone who follows you or on your friend list may not. So share this post using social buttons below or copy posting URL.

This demonstration would be great for any Bible lessons on what Jesus done for us. Anything on sin and the forgiving power of the Precious blood of Jesus.

Again, I didn’t make this You, Sin and Christ – Simple Illustration video, etc. I am just sharing it on this blog!

Tu Sin Cristo | Vous Péché Christ

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I did not do this video, this was a video I found while doing research online. I am simply sharing this video. I First published to share this on September 5, 2014. Last updated or republished on March 30, 2021.

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20 thoughts on “You, Sin and Christ – Simple Illustration

  1. This illustration is great. Can someone tell me what the liquids were that were used? I’d like to “perform” this for my class. Thanks.

  2. Heavy duty spray starch
    Bottle of iodine 10% povidone / iodine works fine.
    Sodium Sulfite (available from online chemical suppliers)
    Phenolphthalein solution

  3. I saw on one of the YouTube demonstrations of this illustration the formula: Sin = 80% water, 20% iodine; Christ = 80% water, 20% bleach; You = 100% water. Using these ratios, I tried it and it worked.

  4. I saw this not to long ago! How amazingly true it is! Thank You Jesus for dying for ALL our sins <3

  5. @Tammy Pickeral Curtis
    Amen, we have a lot to be thankful for, we didn’t deserve Jesus dying for us, but he loved us anyway. No greater love than one laying down their life for another. Thanks for the comment and God Bless.

  6. what amount do you use with each liquid and what liquid do you use for you, sin, wine and Jesus? Do I need to add anything to any of the liquids, like water for instance?

  7. Thanks, as this reminds me of it is Christ poured into us, not us poured into Christ
    Take a empty pitcher, a bag of rice and a bag of walnuts
    Pour the bag of rice in the pitcher, then the bag of walnuts, does it fit,?
    The rice is God, the Walnuts are you
    The walnuts do not fit into the pitcher, the you
    Now if you pour in the walnuts first into the picture, then the rice, you see it all fits perfectly

    So be filled Brother as you are filled Acts 17:28

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