
Sin: Here is a graphic I have seen on social media. I am sharing this graphic with you, I am also gonna discuss it some and share some related blog post too.

This graphic says …


[pullquote]SIN will take you FARTHER
than you want to GO,
KEEP you longer than you want
to stay, and COST you more.[/pullquote]



So True!


It’s so true. You think it may be little, but Jesus was put up on the Cross for even that little sin. All sin is the same in the eyes of God.

If you don’t repent and turn away from fleshy desires that cause you to continue to live in open sin it will take you further and further away from God and into that fleshy desire that goes against God’s Word. More you stay in it, the harder it will seem to turn back to God. But all you must do is give it back to Him. It will cost you so much. Sometimes it may cost you money. It may cost friends or family. It could cost you your job, car or home or even more.

Open Sin

If you are living in open sin you cannot have true fellowship with God either. We cannot truly serve God either. If you are teacher, helper or serve in the church or other ministries. It will affect you and those around you if you have unconfessed sin. One cannot serve God and dishonor their father or mother. Just like one who is cohabiting (living with a person they are not married to) or even one having premarital sex, drunk, homosexual lifestyle, etc. You are setting the example for everyone else. If they see you dong it, they will think it is okay. God gives us standards to live by. We cannot set the godly example living like that.

Rebellion to God can sum up that word. Here are some synonyms: crime, offense, unrighteous, shortcoming, debt, evil, transgression, wickedness, fault, violation, wrongdoing, disobedience, evil-doing, immorality, envy, trespass, lust, anger, ungodliness, imperfection and misdeed.

Yes All Sin

But we should not live in open sin. If we love Jesus, we will want to keep his commandments. We must strive to sin less since we are not sinless. These things we do that go against the Will of God, separates us from God.

I like what Charles Spurgeon said. (Quote below)

If there be a man before me who says that the wrath of God is too heavy a punishment for his little sin, I ask him, if the sin be little, why does he not give it up?

We first must be discipled and taught before we can serve. If we come to a place like this, we must get back into the Word, be taught, discipled and fed before we go back to serving again. We then also must come with a true repentant heart. We must live as close and clean as possible.

Not right with God

If you are not right with God, make peace with him and give him that sin to be remembered no more. They will be cast as far as the East is to the West, into the sea of forgetfulness.

Why we must go to God with repentance, a change in direction, a changed heart. To strive to stay away from that dishonoring desire. Remember Jesus paid the dept for us. We owe all to Him for that. Give all your cares and worries to Him because He cares for you. He died for you. No greater love than one that dies for you another.

Here are some blog entries on sin:

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