Shape of True Love Church Sign

Shape of True Love Church Sign – This church sign tells us what the shape of true love is … Is it the heart or the cross? Find out!

Shape of True Love Church Sign

This weeks Church Sign Saturday takes us to Corbin, KY to South Park United Baptist Church. It gives a good reminder what shape true love comes in. Many think it is the heart ❤ but this church sign reminds us it is the Cross ✝.

Shape of True Love Church Sign - SOuth Park United Baptist - The Shape of True Love Isn't A Heart It's a Cross.
Photo Credit: Heather Patterson

The Shape of True Love
Isn’t A Heart
It’s a Cross!

So true this church sign is. The Cross is where true love was demonstrated. That is where Jesus Christ died and bleed for our Sins. To save us! No truer love has ever been displayed. So when you think of love, think of the cross.

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