Shake off the dust off your feet if you try to witness and the person rejects the Gospel you presenting to them.
Shake off the dust

When I think about shake off the dust, I almost picture the fictional character Pig Pin from Peanuts becoming clean. He no longer has the cloud of dust that surrounds him anymore.
So if you go to witness to someone, they don’t take heed to what you are saying, sometimes we are to just get clean, shake off that dust and move onto the next person. Don’t let the cloud of dust linger on you like Pig Pin.
“Any place that does not receive you or listen to you, as you go out from there, shake the dust off the soles of your feet for a testimony against them.””
Mark 6:11 NASB
Matthew 10:14 tells us the same thing.
It is also so you don’t take anything with you from that encounter. That the dust you shake off and leave behind there, can be a testimony to them physically and later spiritually on judgement day. It can be used as a sign that the Gospel was presented to them, but they rejected it.
Does it literally mean to shake the dust off you? Today, I would say not really, but in the Bible times, they wore saddles and their feet would get dirty.
Does that mean we give up? NO! We still can pray for them and ask God to send another messenger their way. If they are not saved and still alive, there is still time!
Remember God’s Word never turns back void. It could have planted a seed, watered it, etc. That person still might come to the Lord one day. If not, he or she will have to answer for that on judgement day. You at least tried to present the gospel to them.
Pig Pin character belongs to the Peanuts, a character by Charles Schultz. It is only used for illustrational purposes.
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