Serendipity Tracting

Serendipity Tracting – leaving gospel tracts in a random happy place for others to find. Plus I share about Serendipity Day. #SerendipityTracting #SerendipityDay

I think one of my favorite things to do is leaving gospel tracts and/or Gospel of John’s and random locations. Usually this is called the act of serendipity. I remember this word back in the day when I used to do the currency tracking of Where’s George.[1]/[2]

Serendipity Tracting

I know some people leave Easter tracts with Easter Candy; Christmas tracts with the Christmas items in the store. Same with Halloween Tracts with Halloween items. Or you can do like the one I did above, I was at Chick-fil-A, and they had these flowers there. They had the fork for a card, so I put the water tract in that spot. It makes it more interesting if you leaved a special themed tract in a special themed area.[3]

Want some ideas of where to leave Gospel Tracts check out this blog post: Using Gospel Tracts As A Witnessing Tool. While you are at it, I challenge you to try to leave 5 Gospel Tracts a day.[4]/[5]

Meaning of Serendipity


serendipity – finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for[6]

Days of the Year shows

The word serendipity was coined in the mid 1700s by a man named Horace Walpole. In a letter to a friend, he explained how he had created the term from a Persian fairy tale known in English as The Three Princes of Serendip. The story tells of three princes who were banished from the kingdom of Serendip (another term for Sri Lanka) in order to prove their worth. As they wander the world, “serendipitous” moments occur to them time after time, in a rather unbelievable amount, much like some children’s stories, where they just happen to run across the perfect place or the clue to solve the mystery, or old, corny superhero movies, where they just happen to have the antidote lying around. [7]

Serendipity Day

Serendipity Day is held annually on August 18. It has been held on that day since 2010.

Serendipity is often called “a happy accident.”

Did you leave gospel tracts in random places for people to find?
Have you found the gospel tract in a random place?
Please feel free to share your comments.


[4] Using Gospel Tracts As A Witnessing Tool

First published April 13, 2014. Last updated or republished August 16, 2019.

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