An umbrella cannot stop the rain, but it allows us to stand in the storm. #umbrella An umbrella The same also applies to our faith in Christ. The storm won’t be removed, but He will remain with us in it. He will not leave us, or forsake us. He gives us the strength to weather the storm.

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Hope Media Group: A Beacon of Faith and Hope in the Airwaves which stands as a testament to the power of faith-based media in touching lives and spreading messages of hope and inspiration. With a diverse array of radio stations under its umbrella, Hope Media Group reaches a wide audience, offering a mix of music, ministry, and community engagement.

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Types of Fireworks — A Fireworks have always been a source of wonder and excitement, lighting up the night sky with their brilliant colors and patterns. Whether it’s a festive celebration, a national holiday, or a special event, fireworks add a magical touch to any occasion. In this post, we’ll explore the various types of fireworks and what makes each one unique. #fireworks

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Twelve Stones Christian Academy

Answers in Genesis will operate a Christian School in Northern Kentucky. Answers in Genesis (AiG) has two museums in Northern Kentucky, Creation Museum and The Ark Encounter. They are also share the true about Science and the Bible.

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How to use clouds to predict weather – Meteorologists rely on electronic equipment and their knowledge of weather patterns to provide forecasts each and every day. But weather can be unpredictable, and even the most reliable weather prognosticator can sometimes get it wrong.

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Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about Burdens or Blessings You Determine the Purpose of the Load. The Bible is clear about the devil and his ways. It says he is the father of lies and his purpose is to destroy your faith by causing you to doubt and disbelieve the Word of God. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

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