Bible / Christian / Christian Movies / Christmas / Christmas Movies / Family / Holidays / Thanksgiving

Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas (Review & Trailer)

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Saving Christmas was not what I thought it would be. This film was more of a documentary. The beginning of the movie, I thought was very odd. The most of the movie, it was Kirk talking to his brother-in-law, in this movie about Christmas. His brother has this one idea that we shouldn’t have a Christmas Tree, we shouldn’t have this or that put up. Kirk talks to him and explains things to him in a Biblical view. Kirk explains to Him about the true Santa Claus, he was Saint Nicholas, he was actually a defender of the Christian Faith. […]

Bible / Food for Thought / God / Jesus Christ / Men of the Bible / Sin / Witnessing

Is God trying to get our attention?

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Is God trying to get our attention? We see all this turmoil and strife going on. Often people blame God for the disasters. But, since sin was introduced into this world from Adam and Even, things have gone wrong. Sin separates us from God.

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