National Coffee Day is September 29, 2014.
Here is a list of places giving away free cup of Java. Some locations varies of when and how they are participating. So go visit one of these locations and get you a free cup of Joe, as the younger kids would say.
- McDonald’s from now till September 29, Free Small during breakfast only.
- Krispy Kreme Free 12 oz. on September 29.
- Dunkin Donuts Free Medium Hot or Iced on September 29, must use app.
- 7 Eleven Free Medium on September 29, must use app.
- Chick-fil-A Free Medium on September 29 at Morristown, TN location, must go to Morristown Chick-fil-A Facebook page and find the secret code word.
- Starbucks I heard rumors they are giving a sample out of a certain type, just on September 29.
This is just a small list, more will be added.

This holiday got it start in 1983 in Japan, by 2005 the United States celebrated it and added National. It is also known as International Coffee Day or just plain Coffee Day. With 9 countries including Canada, England and Australia celebrating on September 29. 15 Other Countries also celebrate this holiday but on another day.1
Do you know of any other locations giving away free coffee this day? If so, then give me a comment and let me know.
Come back as I may add to this list. I will mark NEW to the ones added after this post was published.
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