Remission Plan by Nostalgia

Remission Plan by Nostalgia. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins. Christ paid the price in full. His blood was shed for all.

This is Righteous Rock TV band & video, Nostalgia and the song Remission Plan.

Remission Plan Lyrics

Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins. Looking down from the cross the blood with love and compassion in His eyes He said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Remission Plan

He knew the time was coming when He would have to die.
Drops of blood ran down His face. Tears fell from His eyes.
Fear and stress went through His body as He wept and prayed,
Knowing soon the time would come for Judas to betray.

It was dark and lonely in the garden that night.
A spirit in war, as there arose a disturbing fight.
The hill they called, “The Skull”, was the place to be,
Where He would give His life as a ransom for you and me.

Christ had the price in full. He shed His blood for all.
In three days raised from the dead.
The writings on the wall.
Receive from the fountain filled with blood.
Don’t be caught and swept away,
In the wrath and terrible flood!

Brought before a crowd in rage that mocked and cursed His name.
Still love and compassion, it remained the same.
“Crucify”! The crowd yelled out. “Set Barabas free”!
“This Jew deserves to die”!
“He’s guilty of blasphemy”!

Pilot gave the order of death to this innocent man.
Bowing His head, Christ prepared,
For His Remission Plan.
Soldiers grabbed His arms and hair.
His time had come to die.
The day had to turned to darkness,
As blackness filled the sky.

Christ had the price in full. He shed His blood for all.
In three days raised from the dead.
The writings on the wall.
Receive from the fountain filled with blood.
Don’t be caught and swept away,
In the wrath and terrible flood!

Through the streets of the city,
A cross He dragged along.
Sweat, blood, and weariness.
The road was hard and long.
Until finally He had made it,
To the hill that sealed His doom.
Those who loved Him cried,
Shedding tears of gloom.

Piercing sounds of iron and steel,
Rang through the chilling air.
People observing this King of the Jews,
Confused they stood and stared,
As the rugged cross was lifted high,
And dropped into the ground.
The faint last words, “It is finished”,
Was the only sound.

Christ had the price in full. He shed His blood for all.
In three days raised from the dead.
The writings on the wall.
Receive from the fountain filled with blood.
Don’t be caught and swept away,
In the wrath and terrible flood!

Remission Plan
Remission Plan
Remission Plan

Lyrics from Reverbnation. #RemissionPlan #Nostalgia Lyrics used by permission from Brian Dale Rainsberger.

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