Relationships Acronym

Relationships Acronym. This is an acrostic acronym for the word relationships. It is a Christian one too. Each letter of relationships form a sentence, starting with that letter to form this Relationships Acronym.

Relationships Acronym

I am going to take each one of this Relationships Acronym and briefly talk about that one.

R – Relying on God’s Word


We must rely on God’s Word. We must totally trust in Him and Him Alone. His Word is True. Plus, His Word is the Way. Finally, His Word is the Life. As seen in John 14:6

E – Encouraging and building each other up

We must work together as one. Not as two people. We have to build each other up and encourage each other. A relationship that is tearing down the other is not a healthy relationship. That tearing each other down is not from God either!

L – Long-lasting

As the Bible says Love Never Ends in the Love Chapter of 1 Corinthians 13. We know true love comes from Christ and that love endures for ever. Let the Love of Christ be in all of your relationships. Not just your dating or marriage relationship, but also your family and friend relationships. Plus, your work and any other type of relationships we have.

A – Always be patient, for God is writing your love story

Also in the Love Chapter of 1 Corinthians it says that love is patient. We must also be patient with one another. Think about how patient God has been with us. We should show the same back to others too.

T – Telling them they are beautiful as they are

Make sure to tell the other person they are beautiful. They are created in the image of God. See Genesis 1:27. Since, we are created in the image of God, we are beautiful. God created us for a purpose … To Worship Him. If we say we are not beautiful, we are saying that God’s creation is not beautiful.

I – I trust in both God and you

Trust is very important! We first must trust in God! When we trust in God first, we can trust that person we are in relationship with. We know that anything and everything that happens is in the Will of God. That God will take care of everything, as He is the provider. God is also the protector too.

O – One that is Christ-Centered

This one is very important. We must have a Christ-Centered relationship. Everything we say and do should reflect Christ. We must point each other to Christ first and foremost. We must seek Him in all things we do too. This includes all aspects of our relationship and daily living. Putting Him first!

N – Never lead each other astray from what is important

We must point each other to Christ! A True friend will bring you closer to God, not away from God! We cannot become a hindrance to the other person. We cannot allow ourselves to push or pull the other person away from God. Not to mention, we must continually strive to bring the other closer and closer walk to God. We will have to answer for leading our mate away from God.

S – Seeking God first

Matthew 6:33 tells us we must Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Notice, this is a two-fold, see the “AND.” First we must seek the Kingdom of God. We must seek the things of God. When we are seeking the things of God we are being in God’s Will. The other part is we must seek His Righteousness. Only Christ was the perfect person to live. He became the once and done lamb that was slain for our sins. Because of that, as a Child of God, we are covered by that precious blood of the lamb. When God sees us, He sees His Son’s Blood. Sadly, if we are not saved, God is a just and holy God. He will bring judgement! Check out your final destination about that.

H – Humble yourself before everyone

Part of this putting the other person before your own needs. You cannot be selfish in a relationship. Plus, you must give in a relationship not be a taker! Another part of this is knowing when you need help and asking for help from the other person. God gave us a help mate to help us. We must humble ourselves to ask for help from the other person.

I – I am committed to loving you like Jesus has loved you

We must love the other person like Christ loved us. Christ died for us! No greater love! See John 15:13. Plus, husbands you are to love your wife as Christ loved the church. That means even dying for her as Christ died for the church to save the church. Ephesians 5:25

P – Pray for each other

This is very important. Pray for each other! There is power in prayer! Pray for each other and pray with each other. There is a saying those who pray together, stay together. There is something special when you take the time to pray for each other and with each other. The Bible tells us we must pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17). That is a constant communication with God. We must also be thankful for person God has blessed us with too. Doing this can help build your relationship stronger.

S – Share the Word with each other

Sharing the Word with each other. Another thing we must do is have quiet time or family devotion time. In this time, we share and read God’s Word as a couple or family. We can also do our prayer time in this time too. We take the Word of God and read it together. Maybe divide up who reads what in the reading for that day. Or maybe, one day one person picks what is read and the next day the other person. But, perhaps the best way is just read through the Bible as a couple. Have a plan and stick to it daily. This can also help build your relationship stronger too.

Relationships Acronym

I am not sure who wrote this Relationships Acronym. Heather, my girlfriend, with SimplySpokn sent me this.

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