Red Oak vs White Oak Leaves: Do you know the difference between a Red Oak Leaf and a White Oak Leaf? Just think of Cowboys and Indians. #RedOak #WhiteOak
“Red Oak vs White Oak Leaves”
With it being fall, I figured I would share this blog post again this old blog post from 2009 to show you a quick way to tell a red oak from a white oak.
Red Oak Leaves
RED OAK LEAVES has pointed corners. Just think Red Man (Indian) used arrows. These leaves are also pointed and sharp like an arrow is.

White Oak Leaves
WHITE OAK LEAVES has rounded corners. The White man (or Cowboys) used bullets. Bullets are usually rounded at the tip.

This was something I remembered while in Scouting. It came back to my attention going camping in 2009 and then I noticed a White Oak Tree while walking the trail in Norris State Park by Norris Dam. So I figured I would share with you in a post in my blog. It was a Cowboy and Indian thing on the identification of the leaves. It is kind of catchy way to remember it too.
That’s an easy way to know the difference between red oak leaves and white oak leaves is to think about Cowboys and Indians.
First published in September 9, 2009, from my old blog and it was imported recently and then republished September 22, 2016. This was a popular blog post on my old domain too.
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Excellent way to remember this.