Reconciliation Day – This day was created to help people patch relationships and make amends. Not to mention to help re-establish relationships between family, friends and couples. The key thing is forgiveness!
Reconciliation Day

The main purpose is forgiveness. Which forgiveness is very important. So this day wants people to help those who had a “falling out” to be able to “mend the fence”. Like I mentioned, that involved forgiveness. Just remember, we are never promised tomorrow! So tomorrow or the next moment might be too late!
A 1989 newspaper columnist, Ann Landers, promoted the idea in a newspaper article on April 2nd. She then wrote an annual article about this day and also replies to readers questions. I believe it was in the Chicago Tribune.
This day is held annually on April 2.
By the way, do not confuse this day with Day of Reconciliation, held in South Africa in December.
First published March 31, 2018. Last updated or republished March 30, 2020.
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