Quick & Easy Way to Slice Watermelon


Quick & Easy Way to Slice Watermelon


With summer around the corner, we Americans love some good watermelon. Here is a neat tip on how to cut your next watermelon and have them cut into cubes. It looks easy. I haven’t tried it yet.

I love me some watermelon and this looks like a cool way to slice watermelon.

Maybe as you cut the watermelon or eat it you can share with your family, youth or whom ever you are with about the Fruit of the Spirit.

From YouTube video page: Pauline Gilmer from Chattanooga, Tennessee, records her friend’s physical therapist as he shows off a unique way of slicing up watermelon into juicy chunks. With a sharp knife and a little effort, you too can have delicious watermelon without the rind.

10 Facts about Watermelon

  1. It can quench your thirst because of the electrolytes
  2. Over 1,200 varieties
  3. It is a vegetable really, related to the cucumber
  4. The Rinds and Seeds are even edible
  5. Grown on a vine
  6. Contains 6% sugar
  7. Contains 92% water
  8. High levels of B6
  9. The heaviest was over 260 lbs.
  10. Can grow them in a cube shape by forming them

I am not sure about eating the rinds. I never heard of eating the seeds. I wonder if you can make them like pumpkin seeds, since a watermelon is also in the pumpkin and gourd family as well.

Did you know that August 3, is National Watermelon Day?

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One thought on “Quick & Easy Way to Slice Watermelon (Video)

  1. I cut my watermelon like this, it worked rather well, just not as easy to get into the gallon size baggie like this guy did in this video. I am glad I did it outside, I had a very watery watermelon. But over all, nice easy chunks.

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