Proverbs 9:10

Proverbs 9 – As part of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge, I am doing one chapter per day for 31 days since there are 31 chapters also in the Book of Proverbs. This is day 9 of 31, therefore I am focusing on Proverbs 9.

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Today read the whole chapter of Proverbs 9.

Proverbs 9

Chapter 9 talks about wisdom as if it was being a building, like building of a home. That true wisdom in the home is a great foundation. That wisdom is the foundation of Christ. He is the solid rock after all.  The 7 pillars shows this was a sturdy house, maybe even a large house. By the sounds of it, it seems as if she was also preparing a banquet at her house. Her being wisdom.

Proverbs 9:10
This chapter of Proverbs is broken into two sections. The first section is The Way of Wisdom found in Proverbs 9:1-12. The second section is The Way of Folly, as found in Proverbs 9:13-18.

The Way of Wisdom


According to the notes in my bible, wine here was a drink with honey and spices that was used in this section. As found in Proverbs 9:2.

It says if you give instruction to a wise man, he will become wiser. If you teach a just man, he will increase in his learning. This Proverbs is mostly about wisdom. As we know from previous chapters in Proverbs, wisdom comes from God.

The main way we get this wisdom is by Fear of the LORD. See Proverbs 9:10, it is a poplar verse we all hear and see. Check it out in the graphic and in the pull quote

[pullquote]”The Fear of the LORD is beginning of wisdom, & knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”[/pullquote]

We must have a perseverance to God. Remember from prior blog post, when you see L


, all caps, it is the most sacred name used for God. This type of fear again, is a reverence type of fear.

The Way of Folly

Proverbs 9:13 goes on to talk about a foolish woman, Foolish means clamorous or loud. That she knows nothing. She lacks wisdom. Again, wisdom is referring to godly wisdom. She sits by the door and waits to call people to come to her. She will do whatever she can to lure you in. She will temp you to eat and come in to her house in secret. She is the one who brings death to hell, an eternal death. She temps the simple person, the person without wisdom. She lures that man to adultery.

Just some trivial for you, the Bible speaks more of hell than it does Heaven. I believe that is so we all can be warned of damnation and torture. It speaks of it so we will stay away from it. A lot of times when it says death, like in this Proverbs, death means hell. That sinful lifestyle is not pleasing to God and will lead to your suffering.

Share what you got out of reading Proverbs 9? What verse stood out to you and why? 

The Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, & knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. #Proverbs9 Share on X

<– Chapter 8 | Chapter 10 –>

31 Day Proverbs Challenge Series

| Introduction |
| 1st Chapter of Proverbs | 2nd Chapter of Proverbs |
| 3rd Chapter of Proverbs | 4th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 5th Chapter of Proverbs | 6th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 7th Chapter of Proverbs | 8th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 9th Chapter of Proverbs | 10th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 11th Chapter of Proverbs | 12th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 13th Chapter of Proverbs | 14th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 15th Chapter of Proverbs | 16th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 17th Chapter of Proverbs | 18th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 19th Chapter of Proverbs | 20th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 21st Chapter of Proverbs | 22nd Chapter of Proverbs |
| 23rd Chapter of Proverbs | 24th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 25th Chapter of Proverbs | 26th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 27th Chapter of Proverbs | 28th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 29th Chapter of Proverbs | 30th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 31st Chapter of Proverbs |

Check out the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge!

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2 thoughts on “Proverbs 9

  1. Keep going, keep reading and learning Brother, there is much to this day to learn truth over error
    A lot to reconcile as being reconciled already 2 Cor 5:16-20
    I am still learning my own limitations, seeing all things today are permissible, yet not all are beneficial, as we each go through the fire to learn truth from eerrors in misinterpreting verses, as I have done myself and made a lot bad, not knowing, yet so glad Father is merciful today, thanks to Son for us, that be Christ our Lotd unto his Lord, that makes Father our Father too.

    As one learns about things,, not giving up on beleif to see John 8:32-36

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