Proverbs 1:7 (image by Enfuzed)

Proverbs 1 – As part of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge, I am doing one chapter per day for 31 days since there are 31 chapters also in the Book of Proverbs. This is day 1 of 31, therefore I am focusing on Proverbs 1.

Proverbs 1


Today read the whole chapter of Proverbs 1.

Verse 7, is one of the most known verses in this chapter, shown below & graphic image.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs 1:7 (image by Enfuzed)
Proverbs 1:7 (image by Enfuzed)


In this verse, it shows that if we want to have wisdom, we must fear God. This wisdom, may not be the wisdom you want, but the godly wisdom that God desires for you to have. חָכְמָה chokmah (khok·mä’) Lexicon #H2451 – Wisely, Skiful, WIts, Prudence, shrewdness.


Yes, The Bible says fool! אֱוִיל’eviyl (ev·ēl) Lexicon #H191 – unused root, perverse, despises wisdom, mocks when guilty, quarrelsome, licentious and silly. This looks very like our English word, evil. It almost sounds like evil too, almost. It also says that we are a fool if we do not want wisdom or instruction. The instruction God is talking about is learning about Him, striving to be more Christ-like. It can also include correcting by God too.


Now the Fear of God is not a fear where we are afraid of something, but more of a reverse or an awe, a type of respect, love and trust for God. יִרְאָה yir’ah (yir-aw’) Strongs Lexicon #H3374 shows reverence or respect type of fear.  We should also fear the judgement God has for us, if we don’t accept His Son or when we do wrong. We will have to answer for our sin, even though Christ died for us to save us from our sin. It is not a license to sin.

Chapter One

Chapter one also goes on about honoring your father and your mother and to also try to stay away from anyone who tries to entice or tempts you to sin. It says to stay away from those who will try to get you to backslide or stumble, removing of hindrances. (Verses 8-19)

In verses 20-32, Wisdom takes the personality of a woman with a warning a warning of disaster if you don’t take heed. But she does offer success in these verses.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. #Proverbs1 Share on X

Share what you got out of reading Proverbs 1? What verse stood out to you and why? 

Click to read Chapter 2

31 Day Proverbs Challenge Series

| Introduction |
| 1st Chapter of Proverbs | 2nd Chapter of Proverbs |
| 3rd Chapter of Proverbs | 4th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 5th Chapter of Proverbs | 6th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 7th Chapter of Proverbs | 8th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 9th Chapter of Proverbs | 10th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 11th Chapter of Proverbs | 12th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 13th Chapter of Proverbs | 14th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 15th Chapter of Proverbs | 16th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 17th Chapter of Proverbs | 18th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 19th Chapter of Proverbs | 20th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 21st Chapter of Proverbs | 22nd Chapter of Proverbs |
| 23rd Chapter of Proverbs | 24th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 25th Chapter of Proverbs | 26th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 27th Chapter of Proverbs | 28th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 29th Chapter of Proverbs | 30th Chapter of Proverbs |
| 31st Chapter of Proverbs |

Check out the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge!

Republished with a current date.

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2 thoughts on “Proverbs 1

  1. I got that God is very practical, the wisdom and teachings from Proverbs one seemed to give you to the point direction on how to avoid sin traps and learning that Gods wisdom is supreme even though it may seem counter to what we know and instinctively do.

    This passage also reinforced the reality that does expect me to water the seeds he has already planted, it’s not his job to make the choice for me to practice what he tells me to do and cultivate what is important to him, I have to choose to do it, to make it important.

    1. Nice Maschera, the Bible can show us how to avoid sins trap, but yet we still get snared by the tricks of the devil. I thank you for your comment and visiting. We all have a part in sharing the gospel. We don’t save anyone, only God does that. We just have to share. Yes, we must make sharing a priority. Come back and visit the other Proverbs, today is July 2, so today is Proverbs 2. Feel free to share your thoughts each day in the comments. God Bless!

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