Protest vs Riot – There is a difference between a PROTEST and a RIOT. It Seems today the world has them backwards. #Protest #Riot #Protests #Riots #Looting
Protest vs Riot
Often a protest can often get out of hand and cause a riot and looting.

A Protest is an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid. 1 When you protest you are standing up for what you believe in. You try to make a statement. You protest in a peaceable manner. When you protest to stand up to something, you are showing you are making a stand. Protesters often hold up signs about their belief is opposed to the other. We have at the time of this posting, the freedom of free speech. This includes protesting and standing up for what we believe. When you protest don’t cross that fine line and turn it into a riot! #Riot #Riots
A Protest is an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid. #Protest #Protests Share on XRiot
A Riot is a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets. It is also a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a disrupting and tumultuous manner in carrying out their private purposes. 2 When you riot, you set things on fire, you lewd and steal things. You break things. To sum it up, you break a bunch of laws. When you are violent about things, you are not making a statement! You are just showing how immature you are. Rioters try to bring fear to others by their behavior. Often rioters are there to cause chaos. They couldn’t answer one question about why they are doing it or what they are standing up for either. When you riot and cause disorder, yes you should be arrest according to the laws. When you riot, you have crossed that fine line from protesting.
A Riot is a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets. It is also a disturbance of the public peace by three or… Share on XDifference
Notice that with a riot, it is violent and causes a disruption. Usually, a riot forms after a protest gets out of hand or out of control. It most cases a protest acts according to the law, while a riot breaks the law. In riots, we will see looting (stealing items), we will see burning of buildings and cars, we will se violence, people being hurt, beaten or even killed.
We say those who are rioting are just protesting. Yes, they may be protesting, but they are being violent in the protest. Thus making a riot, not a protest. When you become violent and break the law it becomes a riot! There is a fine line that is crossed between a protest and a riot.
If you have to go protest don’t become violent! Don’t break the laws and cause damage to others or property. Please don’t keep people from medical emergencies that is needed. Show respect! Don’t riot! PROTEST! I believe in standing up for what you believe, but don’t make it become a riot!
When you protest and stand up for what you believe, make sure it aligns with the Word of God!
When you protest and stand up for what you believe, make sure it aligns with the Word of God! #Protest #Riot Share on XAs a Christian, if we engage in a riot, what kind of example does that set for others?
Pray for our Nation
We must keep our nation in prayer. That includes both political leaders and citizens. We must pray that we all come to the Truth and seek God’s Will for our lives and our country. We must not seek our own will! Yes, when new leadership comes into power, it can be a hard time. This not only applies to new government leaders, but also management at the work place too. The Bible tells us we must pray for those! We must also do good to our enemies too. We must love them. It is no good to love only those who love us back. We must show love to everyone!
No matter who is in charge of your country, your school, work place etc. King Jesus is in charge of it all. We answer to Him on Judgement Day. We don’t answer to men!
First published January 24, 2017. Last updated or republished May 29, 2020.
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