A Cat in a Cat Litter Box

Routine maintenance can eliminate litter box problems. If you have children, you know they can slack on maintaining their chores to help keep the litter box clean. But, it is very important for us and the cat to keep up with it. After all the cat is our furr-family. I am a cat person and I own a cat, Lilly Bug and I saw this article that I can share and I figured I would share it with you all.

Routine maintenance can eliminate litter box problems.
Routine maintenance can eliminate litter box problems.

Prevent litter box problems

Cats make great companion animals, as they’re relatively self-sufficient and do not require large backyards in which to exercise. Cats can be content to curl up and sleep on their owner’s lap or occupy a cozy spot on a sun-drenched windowsill.

One of the less desirable responsibilities associated with cat ownership is maintaining the litter box to prevent odor. Litter boxes come in many varieties, but they are all intended to give cats a place to go to the bathroom. Cat owners typically place the litter box in a faraway spot to keep it out of sight and avoid any odors that may emanate from within. However, this way of thinking could be counterproductive. If the cat cannot easily find the litter box or is not pleased with its location, it may opt to abandon the litter box, which can get messy. That convenient houseplant in the living room may seem more inviting than the litter box in the basement, after all.

The odor of cat urine, when it has a chance to penetrate carpeting or wood flooring, can be difficult to remove. Therefore, it is imperative to create a litter box environment that is accessible to the animal. This may mean placing it in a common area of the home. Avoid placing the litter box next to a noisy appliance, which may spook the cat. Also, do not place the litter box next to a heat source, as that may exacerbate the smell and cause the odor to spread.

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Invest in multiple litter boxes, especially if you have more than one cat. The general rule of thumb is one per cat and then one more in another location as a backup, in case the primary one is blocked.

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5 thoughts on “Prevent litter box problems

  1. It is very important to maximize the number of cat litter boxes and place all of them in convenient areas. With the increase of the cat ages, if you change the place of the litter box, there will be more chances of forgetting the place by the older cat. If there are stairs in your house, then it will difficult for older cats to going up and down the stairs.

    It is so important to constantly check the health of your older cats. While scooping the litter box, try to ensure to monitor the health of your cats as well as look for the symptoms of diarrhea and constipation. Try to check the urine clumps size. If the size is more, then the cat suffers from diabetes or renal failure. If the clump is in shrinkable form, then he or she may have the urinary tract issues and is not eating suitable water.

    If your cat urinates during sleep, then cover the sleeping area with a towel. In case when the cat has decreased bladder control, then the owner should examine her carefully because urine may scald on the cat’s skin or have dried urine.

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