I just want to share something that is on my heart and I want to share with my readers. If you plan to get married, if you both are Christians you both should submit to premarital Biblical Counseling. Most pastors require this before they marry. But, if you plan to just up and marry, you may want may want to give this a thought.

Premarital Biblical Counceling
Premarital Biblical Counseling

Most of you know that I am divorced. I got married in 2000 and divorced in 2008. During that time, I was not walking with God. I gone astray & got away from my walk with God. I believe if we had done premarital biblical counseling our marriage might have been saved. But most of all if both our walks were godly walks and we both were God fearing people and had a Christ center relationship then it would have survived. But, I do reflect now and see that God taught me a lot about that here lately. God does have us go through situations to chastise us, to make us learn.

You both truly need to get to know each other spiritually and truly know each other. This type of biblical counseling will allow you to know before you get married and if you are made by God to get married. You do not want to get married and find out that you both aren’t. End up one of you filing for a divorce, annulment or both staying and being unhappy. You also do not want to have your children end up in broken homes, only seeing them at special holidays or the weekends. This goes both to moms and dads. Today it is customary for the father to get custody now and even more growing the grand parents.

This will also show areas where you both may need to work, or even show things that you never knew and could raise a red flag for you. So please if you are thinking about tying the knot, then please seek Premarital Biblical Counseling.

Also if you are married and do you not think your marriage is going to work, then you need to consider trying Biblical Counseling to try to save that marriage. Both parties must be fully willing to submit.

Prayer helps out a lot! Try to pray about it even if you find it hard to pray. Pray over each other, pray about each other. The success of each other. Put aside your wants and consider their wants and needs. Men remember we are to give up our life for your wife, just like Christ gave us his life for the church.

You may consider apply the Love Dare to your marriage. Maybe even watch the movie Fireproof. I would also encourage you to read the Love Dare even if you are not having issues. Just as a learning and growing tool. Plus, regular reading of the Bible as a couple is helpful too.

Closing thoughts

I believe that all pastors should require this, matter of fact, I believe that it should be required before you get married period! If you find a person who puts God before you, you found a great person. Remember God is always first. If you take advantage of premarital biblical counseling, I believe it will help lower divorce rates, broken homes and issues that may arise. This type of counseling allows you to turn to God and the Bible for guidance. After all a relationship no matter who we have one with should be a Christ-based relationship. Christ is the answer to everything! If the person you wish to marry doesn’t wish to do premarital biblical counseling that should raise a concern for you. If they truly love you they will submit to it.

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7 thoughts on “Premarital Biblical Counseling

  1. Yes we do learn the hard way Peggy Zacher Overstreet. Nice it is great to see how the power of the Holy Spirit works in several people to have a common ground of themes that are similar. God is trying to tell us all something. He is using us bloggers for that too.

  2. I have a 25 year old granddaughter who is about to marry for the 3rd time. Praying she listens to more than her own heart.

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