Praying for your Relationship

Praying for your relationship! You Pray for Me. I also pray for you! Prayer is very important in any relationships including friends, work, dating and more.

Praying for your Relationship

I have been dating Heather from SimplySpokn, for over a month and half now. She gave me a challenge for our upcoming date on Saturday. She gave me this challenge. “Something God grew me or taught me through one of our dates”. Plus to pray for our date on Saturday too. Plus, she gave me a hint about wearing clothes for inside and not outside.

Praying for your Relationship

Yesterday’s challenge was to come up with five random questions to ask and she would come up with five random questions to ask too. Plus she told me to pray for our date on Saturday. Tomorrow, I will get my last and final email on what challenges she gives.



If you noticed, both challenges involve prayer. Praying for your relationship is very important! I do believe the old saying that a couple that prays together, stays together. Prayer is very powerful. That is one thing I know about our relationship is that she is praying for me. Plus, I am praying for her. Each night we will send each other a prayer via text, video, audio or even live video chat. Our prayer time is something I look forward to each night. We take the time to see what concerns each one has. Then, we lift those up. One of us will go first, then the other will go next. Yes, we both pray. Not just one of us, but both.

When we go on dates, we pray about the date and our travels. Now, Heather does live two hours away from Jefferson City, TN in Corbin, KY. We would pray for the other persons travel on who is going to which location. Then, we will pray for that person as they head home. We will even bless our meals before we eat too. We hold hands as we pray too. When we video chat, we are holding our phones with our hands, so we say we are still holding hands then.

Prayer Driven

I have never been in a relationship that has had a prayer driven relationship. I think that is because we are keeping Christ first in this relationship. Not to mention, we are committed to purity too. (True Love Waits). It feels really good to know that the person you are dating is praying for you and with you. Plus, we both before we started dating each other prayed for a godly person to date. When, God gives you a godly person to date, that doesn’t mean you stop praying. That means you pray more and more about the relationship. Praying for your relationship can build your relationship strong and bring you to a closer walk with God.

Things to pray about your relationship

  • Bring Each Other Closer to God
  • Won’t be a Hindrance (Push Away) from God
  • Remain Pure
  • Encourage Each Other
  • Patience with each other
  • Forgiving Each Other
  • Healing (Emotional Health, Physical Health & Spiritual Health)
  • Ways you can comfort and support each other
  • Grant you wisdom and understanding
  • Longevity of the relationship
  • Keep a Christ-Centered relationship
  • Man will continue to be the Spiritual leader in the relationship
  • Safety of each other
  • If its God’s will to keep the door open, if it’s not God’s will to close the door
  • Honor each other
  • Respect each other
  • Each others ministry
  • Careers each other has and their job
  • Pray for God to allow this man to see you the way God wants you to be seen, with God’s heart toward you.

What are some other things you can pray about the relationship you are in? Feel free to share and I can add it to this list.

Hard & Easy

Sometimes these things can be easy to pray for in the relationship and other times they can be hard. No matter what, we must seek God’s will in our relationship. That is why we must pray and pray always. The Bible tells us we must pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This includes our relationships we are involved in. Not just our dating or marriage relationships, but also our work, church, friends and more.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

As I close this blog post, I want to share this Bible verse with you from Ecclesiastes. Heather always tells me about the threefold cord all the time. One Cord is the man and the other is the woman. But, the third cord is Christ! That means we must have Christ-Centered relationship. Christ is that cord in the middle of that threefold cord!

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him–a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” 

Heather, I will promise to always pray for you and lead you closer to God to the best of my ability!

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2 thoughts on “Praying for your relationship

  1. Such a beautifully written piece, Steve. I do appreciate your prayers, and I look forward to praying with you and for you often for many days, weeks, months, and years to come.

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