Pray for Pat - #PrayForPat

Pray for Pat Summitt. She is in the hospital and they are saying she may not make it. Keep her family, friend, the Vols team and fans in prayers too.

Update: Tueaday, June 28, 2916, Pat Summitt passed away. So please keep her family, friends and everyone effected.

On the September 17, 2016 UT Football game they played tribute to Pat. They spelled out Pat and even the P circle logo with the UT Pride of the Southland Band.  See images below.

Prayers Pat Summitt

She in in the hospital and they are saying she may not make it. They family is preparing to say goodbye to her.

Statement Concerning the Condition of Pat Summitt

“On behalf of Pat Summitt’s family, we acknowledge the past few days have been difficult for Pat as her early onset dementia, ‘Alzheimer’s Type,’ progresses. She is surrounded by those who mean the most to her and during this time, we ask for prayers for Pat and her family and friends, as well as your utmost respect and privacy. Thank you.”

Erin Freeman, on behalf of the Pat Summitt family

Ackermann PR

They are also asking for respect for the privacy of the family and for Pat too.

Pray For Pat

Hashtags #PrayforPat has began by Football players and even former Lady Vols basketball players who play pro now are traveling to Knoxville, TN to see her.

Pray for Pat - #PrayForPat

About Pat Summitt


Pat Summitt is one of the greatest coaches there is. She was the Lady Vols Head basketball coach from 1972 to 2012.She even took the Lady Vols all the way and won eight National Championship games. She has won 32 SEC Championship games. Overall winning 1,098 games.

She was born June 14, 1952. She was even an Olympic medal recipient and even coached a team at the Olympics too.Pat Summitt is even the recipient of Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Obama in April 2012.

Her Business Card

I use to collect business cards. This is one of hers. I’d say this one is from the early 2000’s. The address was blurred out for privacy.

Pat Head Summitt Business Card - Pat Summitt Business Card

Wear orange Friday, July 1, 2016, for support for Pat.

Pray for Pat

My prayers are out for you Pat. Including your family, friends, those you coached, your fans and all those influenced by you. May God be with you.

I ask that my readers please keep this in your prayers. It is in God’s hands and according to God’s will what will be done. But we still must pray! I also ask that you respect the wishes and the privacy of the family too.

Pat Summitt Foundation

The Pat Summitt Foundation, a fund of East Tennessee Foundation, was established by Pat Summitt in November 2011.  Dedicated to winning the fight against Alzheimer’s disease,  its  mission as a grant-making foundation is to advance research for prevention and a cure; to provide hope, care, and critical support for patients, caregivers and families; and to educate the public on the impacts of Alzheimer’s disease and the urgent need for a cure.  Pat Summitt, her family and friends have chosen East Tennessee Foundation to receive and manage contributions to Pat’s fund, and to facilitate their grantmaking in support of the mission. (More info visit


The below images are from Facebook.

UT Pride of the Southland Band play tribute to Pat Summitt - September 17, 2016 home game. The band spells out Pat.
UT Pride of the Southland Band play tribute to Pat Summitt – September 17, 2016 home game. The band spells out Pat.


UT Pride of the Southland Band play tribute to Pat Summitt - September 17, 2016 home game. The band forms her circle P logo.
UT Pride of the Southland Band play tribute to Pat Summitt – September 17, 2016 home game. The band forms her circle P logo.

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One thought on “Pray for Pat Summitt

  1. ( I Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV ) “Rejoice evermore. Pray Without Ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”!!

    May She Rest in Peace Forevermore!!

    Love <3 Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

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