Pirates used a Cat-O-Nine-Tails as punishment

Pirates used a Cat-O-Nine-Tails as punishment

Pirates used a Cat-O-Nine-Tails as punishment – This is similar punishment that Jesus Christ was flogged with. It has often also has been called “A Cat on the Back” (Ten lashes, Nine Tails). #Pirates #PiratesMuseum #CatONineTails #Flogging #bgbg2

Pirates used a Cat-O-Nine-Tails as punishment


I saw this artifact at the St. Augustine Pirate Museum and I had to share with my readers.

Pirates used a Cat-O-Nine-Tails as punishment - This is similar punishment that Jesus Christ was flogged with. It has often also has been called “A Cat on the Back” (Ten lashes, Nine Tails).  #Pirates #PiratesMuseum #CatONineTails #Flogging #bgbg2

Ten Lashes, Nine Tails

Getting whipped by a cat-o-nine-tails was very painful. A pirate would tie a victim to the mast with their back facing out, and lash them. Usually they were large knots on the end of the “tails” but sometimes pirates would tie hooks into the rope ends to make it extremely unbearable.

Even the cat-o-nine-tails that Jesus was clogged with was said to have elements of broken jars, glass, bone, metal pieces, etc. I’m sure there could have been hooks too as fishing was a way of life there.

Just like in Jesus day flogging or lashing was a common punishment. In pirate times 16-18th Century time period this was the most common punishment.

Pirates used a Cat-O-Nine-Tails as punishment - This is similar punishment that Jesus Christ was flogged with. It has often also has been called “A Cat on the Back” (Ten lashes, Nine Tails).  #Pirates #PiratesMuseum #CatONineTails #Flogging

The “cat” consisted of nine tightly wound and knotted strands of cord attached to a piece of wood bound in leather. Some masochistic Pirates would weave fish hooks into the knotted cords. To make matters worse, the pain of the flogging was often intensified by adding salt and brine to the open wounds,

Pirate & Nautical Blog Posts

Cap’N ChristianBlogR here and I am sharing some Pirate and nautical blog posts with you my readers in this list below! Feel free to check them out! This includes things about pirates, sea life, nautical, ships, lighthouses, and more.

Plenty of sew fairing blog posts to read!

  1. A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea
  2. Aaaarrrrgh!
  3. Battleship Word Attack Printable
  4. Bible Stories of the Sea
  5. Burn the Ships by For King Country
  6. Calming of the Storm
  7. Christianity and Pirates: Examining the Historical Connection
  8. Family survives the Great Flood
  9. Fishing for Men
  10. God is like a Compass
  11. The Great Catch
  12. Hundreds Survive Shipwreck
  13. International Talk Like a Pirate Day
  14. Lay your treasure … What is your treasure?
  15. Lighthouse Quote
  16. Man Swallowed by Whale & Lives
  17. Man Walks on Water
  18. My Adventure on a Pirate Ship
  19. Mystery Island is AiG’s VBS 2020
  20. National Lighthouse Day
  21. Nautical Rubber Ducks
  22. Old McDonald’s Pirate Ship
  23. The Parted Waters
  24. Pirate Chest for Trunk-or-Treats
  25. Pirate Pancakes
  26. Pirate Ring Toss Game
  27. Pirate Rubber Ducks
  28. Pirate Ship Decked out for Christmas
  29. Pirate Themed Trunk or Treat
  30. Pirates had to have some kind of faith (Rosary and a Bible)
  31. Pirates used a Cat-O-Nine-Tails as punishment
  32. The Rainbow: A Covenat from God
  33. Sea Turned into Blood
  34. Sew the Sails (A Pirate’s Life)
  35. Sewing was an important part of lighthouse keeping
  36. Shipwrecked
  37. What a confusing time to be a pirate
  38. What Seems Over Our Head is Under His Feet

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