Pirate Chest for Trunk-or-Treats – For trunk-or-treats my wife and I dress up like a pirates. I got me this chest to use as my pirate chest and fill it full of booty (trinks, toys, etc.) to let the children pick some items out of. #PirateChest

I got the chest from a thrift shop. And then I’ve been buying little trinkets, little toys, erasers, pencils, Whistles, party favors, etc. to put into the pirate chest. List shown below.

I use non-food items to keep to being Teal Pump Project. (Meaning I don’t give out food items that contain food allergies).


I’m constantly adding little trinket stuff into the pirate chest. I’ve had people help by donating things are giving me a gift card. I plan to have a pirate ring toss game to go with the trunk-or-treat.

I dress up as a pirate pretty much every year for trunk-or-treats. I am called Cap’n ChristianBlogR. The back of my pirate costume says this pirates a follower of Jesus Christ.

Items in the Pirate Chest

  1. Toy Cars
  2. Erasers
  3. Pencils
  4. Tops
  5. Whistles
  6. Stickers
  7. Braclets
  8. Necklaces
  9. Flutes
  10. Sunglasses
  11. Bubbles
  12. Glow Sticks
  13. Mini Frisbees
  14. Mini Rubber Ducks
  15. Farm Animal Figurines
  16. Cat & Dog Animal Figurines
  17. Balls
  18. Yo-Yo’s
  19. Rulers
  20. Party Favors
  21. & Much More

Not all of the items listed are shown in the image below.

Now you do need to be careful with very young children, as some of these items can pose a choking hazard. (Maybe have bigger infant to toddler items available on hand). This is something we should have done better at for 2018. Next year, 2019, we know to have some infant items too.

Pirate Chest for Trunk-or-Treats - For trunk-or-treats I dress up like a pirate. I got me this chest to use as my pirate chest and fill it full of booty (trinks, toys, etc.) to let the children pick some items out of. #PirateChest

I am also going to be handing out Gospel of John books for the older kids. And the salvation poem booklet for the younger kids. Plus, the church information sheet.

Plus, I will be having a Pirate Ring Toss game that my wife helped to make. (Blog post on that coming soon). 

Not just for Trunk-or-treats

This idea is not good just for trunk-or-treats or Halloween. But, is great for International Talk Like A Pirate Day or any pirate themed party. If you look good enough, you might find a chest like the one I did at a thrift shop pretty cheap.

International Talk Like a Pirate Day in September.

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