Pens to use on a Rocketbook. I share what pens, writing devices you can use on a Rocketbook. The answer to that is …

There is only ONE type you can use …

The writing device must say Pilot FriXon on it. They make Pens, Markers, Fineliners and Highlighters. They do say erasable on them.

Some of the Pilot FriXon series | Photo Credit: Steve Patterson  (Pens to use on a Rocketbook. I share what pens, writing devices you can use on a Rocketbook. The answer to that is ...)
Some of the Pilot FriXon series | Photo Credit: Steve Patterson

These pens are heat sensitive, as I mentioned in the Rocketbook post. The ink disappears in high temperatures(145° F+). So you do not want to leave these or the anything you write on with them in the car or places that get hot.

You can put them back in the freezer to revive them. But, we tried that with an ink pen left in a car, and it still didn’t write after that. But they print is suppose to come back in the freezer.

So these pens are not meant for legal documents.

I tried to look to see if any other erasable pens or dry erase will work. The answer to that is no. Some may claim they do, but the dry erase may damage the Rocketbook and leave a color residue.

Pens to use on a Rocketbook. I share what pens, writing devices you can use on a Rocketbook. The answer to that is … Share on X

Then the other erasable pens may not wipe off or erase off the special paper used on the Rocketbook. The Rocketbook does cost a good bit, why would you want to ruin it by using something not made for it.

So stick to the Pilot FriXon Pens, Markers, Fineliners and Highlighters. Yes, these seem hard to find right now in some places. I have found them at Walmart, Office Supply Stores and some Craft Stores.

One thing about the Pilot FriXon highlighters, if you just wrote with one of the Pilot FriXon pens, and then use the highlighter, sometimes it might smear. So these seem best to highlight printed notes, books, Bibles, etc. But again, if it gets too hot, it will disappear. However, they say you can put it in the freezer and it revive itself. I haven’t tested that.

I do like using the Pilot FriXon pens, Pilot FriXon fineliners and Pilot FriXon highlighters.

I wasn’t given anything for this post. I wrote it on my own.

Get Rocketbook!


Get FriXon Pens!

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Update: Rocketbook pages don’t last

I noticed my FriXon pens will not write on the pages used the most but will write on paper and pages not used or less often used. So it seems the pages will wear after use and I use my Rocketbook every Sunday for church notes. However new fine liners and highlighters seem to still work the best on those worn pages.

This update June 14, 2020.

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