Pain Taking Savior

Pain Taking Savior – Jesus is the Great Physician and can offer healing! I think Zach Williams said it great in his song, Chain Breaker.

pain taking savior

Pain Taking Savior

I am so glad that Jesus is the Great Physician. If you have pain he is the pain taker. He will take away the pain. The physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain or any other kind of pain. He will heal you. Sometimes the healing may not be here on Earth, but as a Child of God, the healing may come in the form of the Glorified Body in Heaven.

There are many times Jesus healed throughout the Bible. These people were healed based on their faith in Christ. Jesus healed a woman with an issue of blood. (Mark 5:25–34, Matthew 9:20–22, Luke 8:43–48).  He even healed a man born blind. (John 9:1-12). Not to mention, Jesus healed people with leprosy. (Matthew 8:1–4, Mark 1:40–45, Luke 5:12–16). That is just a few of the many accounts recorded in the Bible.

If you’ve got pain
He’s a pain taker
Zach Williams – Chain Breaker

That is the lyrics to the above song. I have published the music and lyric video and full lyrics to Chain Breaker.

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Chain Breaking Series

Chain Breaker Song w/Lyrics | Pain Taking Savior | Way Making Savior | Prison-Shaking Savior | Chain Breaking Savior

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