
The history of Easter Bonnets

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The history of Easter Bonnets – When celebrating Easter, many Christians don their best apparel to attend church services and family gatherings. On Easter Sunday, gentlemen often put on their best suits and women their fanciest dresses. Children, too, wear formal clothing on Easter Sunday. Girls in particular tend to wear an item of interest that seems to only appear once per year.

Christmas / Santa Claus

The man behind the beard, St. Nicholas

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Before the modern Santa Claus lived a very real and generous individual named Nicholas.The man behind the beard, St. Nicholas – Every Christmas Eve, children go to bed eagerly anticipating a visit from Santa Claus. This merry gentleman is purported to visit the home of every good girl and boy, delivering gifts and cheer along the way. Who exactly is this man behind the beard? #Christmas #SantaClaus #StNicholas

Christian / Easter / Jesus Christ

That Tomb Is Still Empty – Easter Story told by Two Kids

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That Tomb Is Still Empty! – Easter Story told by Two Kids – Come and listen to these very young kids tell you the Easter Story. The kids names are Levi and Lia Mullen. They share about the empty tomb. The video shown above is first of four in the series.

Christian / Christmas / Family / Holidays / Jesus Christ

The Colors of Christmas

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The colors of Christmas are often taken for granted, and many celebrants are unaware of how these colors became symbols of the Christmas season and why they remain so to this day. There are many colors we see a lot during Christmas. So what are the colors of Christmas and what to they mean? #Christmas #ChristmasColors #ColorsofChristmas


Enjoy hot cross buns this Easter

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Enjoy hot cross buns this Easter – A number of foods are enjoyed during Easter celebrations, from hard-boiled eggs to ham to roasted lamb. Sweets such as candies and chocolates also take center stage on Easter Sunday. In addition to these traditional favorites, hot cross buns have become must-haves for many Easter celebrants. #HotCrossBuns

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