Celebrating Cinco de Mayo: A Christian Perspective – Cinco de Mayo, which means “Fifth of May” in Spanish, is a holiday that originated in Mexico but has gained popularity and recognition around the world. While many people associate Cinco de Mayo with festive celebrations, delicious food, and vibrant parades, it is important for Christians to reflect on this occasion from a faith-centered perspective. In this blog post, we will explore Cinco de Mayo through the lens of our Christian beliefs and consider how we can find meaning and purpose in this cultural celebration.

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National Pretzel Day

National Pretzel Day – An Annual Holiday for Pretzel. A day to celebrate the wonderful treat we love … Pretzels … Whether it be a soft pretzel or a hard pretzel. Plus find out how to score a free pretzel or two. #PretzelDay #NationalPretzelDay #Pretzel #Pretzels

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Palindrome Week 2024: A Rare Alignment of Dates, a unique phenomenon is set to occur that delights numerologists, mathematicians, and the curious alike. Palindrome Week, a sequence of days where the date reads the same backward and forward, will grace our calendars. This year, from April 20th to April 29th, each day’s date can be mirrored, creating a perfect symmetry that occurs only once in a blue moon.

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World Autism Awareness Day Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue #LIUB

World Autism Day – This is a day to help raise awareness of autism. They are asking people to wear light blue on April 2 for World Autism Day. So Light It Up Blue! #WorldAutismDay #AutismDay #AustismSpeaks #LIUB #LightItUpBlue

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Happy Easter Resurrection Day | Rejoice for He is Risen!

Happy Easter | I talk about today being Easter, Resurrection Day. The day where Jesus Christ arose from the grave and conquered death. He also died to save us from our sins too. #Easter #ResurrectionSunday #Resurrection
Day #Resurrection

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The Three Soldiers, a bronze statue on the Washington, DC National Mall commemorating the Vietnam War. (National Vietnam War Veterans Day)

National Vietnam War Veterans Day – This is a US holiday observed annually on March 29. A day to recognize our Vietnam War Veterans. National Vietnam War Veterans Day I first and foremost want to thank all those men and women who served in Vietnam to help protect the freedoms we have. Not to mention, all veterans too from all wars and conflicts, etc.

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Maundy- Thursday

Maundy Thursday we don’t hear about this day too much, especially as a Baptist. Holy Week, that starts on Palm Sunday, week before the resurrection of Christ. Maundy Thursday falls the day before Good Friday and Easter. This is just a short write up on this day. #MaundyThursday #HolyThursday

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Sweating Blood Prayer

Sweating Blood Prayer, an earnest prayer that Jesus prayed. When is last time you prayed like Jesus? I mean hard earnest prayer, a prayer where the blood sweat prayer. A hard deep prayer like Jesus did in the Mount of Olives before He was Crucified. He prayed so hard he sweated blood! Don’t just let Easter time remind you of this type of prayer, but let it be in your heart all the time. For this is a deep earnest burden type of prayer.

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