Fall back one hour. Change your clocks, change your batteries. If you don’t change your clocks back one hour you will be early to church. Just a very little tid-bit of Day Light Saving Time. #TimeChange #FallBack
National Evangelism Day. A day set aside to remind us the importance of evangelizing, witnessing. Actually, we should be doing this on a daily basis all the time! Find out when this day is! #EvangelismDay
Former Satanist Warns About the Dangers of Halloween. John Ramirez, who used to be a high-ranking priest within the Satanic Temple before miraculously having his heart opened to the Gospel, shares the story of his personal involvement with satanism and celebrating Halloween in order to warn parents of its dangers. The question of should Christians celebrate Halloween always come about this time of year. Ramirez gives warnings to Christians about the dark holiday … Halloween and why Christians shouldn’t celebrate it. #Halloween
Reformation Day
October 31 is also Reformation Day, Martin Luther wrote The 95 Thesis on this day 500 years ago and nailed it to the Castle Church door in Wittenburg in Germany. I share about Reformation Day and even the full length movie of I Will Not Recant. #ReformationDay #95Thesis #MartinLuther #IWillNotRecant
Blue Halloween Candy Buckets for Autism – I heard about this on Way-FM. (Blue Pumpkin Bucket). I haven’t heard about this until now. So I figured I’d look into it. #Halloween
World Stroke Day – An awareness day to raise awareness about stroke and its dangers. #WorldStrokeDay #StrokeDay #DontBeTheOne
Ever heard someone say, “I just got my ears lowered”? If you were puzzled by this idiom, you’re not alone. It’s a quirky, humorous way to say, “I just got a haircut.”
Don’t Feed the Ducks Bread: A Guide to Responsible Feeding — Have you ever seen a sign at a local park that says, “Don’t Feed the Ducks”? You might have wondered why. After all, ducks are cute and it seems like a harmless act to toss them some bread crumbs.
Eat Crow: A Bitter Pill to Swallow — Have you ever heard someone say they had to “eat crow”? It’s a colorful idiom that often elicits a chuckle or a knowing nod. But what does it really mean?
Idle Hands Are the Devil’s Workshop: A Proverbial Caution — The idiom “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” is a cautionary phrase that suggests that inactivity or boredom can lead to trouble or mischief. It implies that when people have nothing productive to do, they are more likely to engage in harmful or unproductive activities.
Life still goes on even with the death of a loved one cause death happens and is a result of the fall. When a loved one passes those left still have to live life.
National Kentucky Day – A Day for Kentuckians, held annually On October 19, National Kentucky Day recognizes the 15th state to be granted statehood. Kentucky became a State just prior to Tennessee, by four years. #Kentucky
Sweetest Day – A Very sweet and candy filled holiday. Basically a day to share romantic deeds or expressions, and acts of charity and kindness with sweets! #SweetestDay #CandyDay
The Symbolism of White Pumpkins: A Tribute to Babies and Children in Heaven — Every fall, white pumpkins begin to appear alongside their traditional orange counterparts, evoking curiosity and wonder. But for many, these pale, serene pumpkins hold a deep, poignant significance: they are symbols of remembrance and honor for babies and children who have passed away and reside in heaven.
Breast Health Day – a day to help raise awareness about Breast Cancer. #BreastHealthDay
National Mammography Day – A day to help remind women to schedule their mammography for Breast Cancer Screening. #NationalMammographyDay
Since Kingdom Come: A Timeless Idiom — “Since kingdom come” is an idiom used to express that something has been waiting for a very long time, or that it is highly unlikely to ever happen. Let’s look more into this idiom.
Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day – an awareness day for Metastatic Breast Cancer which is breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other organs in the body (most often the bones, lungs, liver or brain).
@USNavy – The US Navy’s Birthday – This is the birthday of the United States Navy, a branch of the US Military who serves to make the seas safe for travel and trade. #Navy #USN
Pink Sunday – a day in October to wear pink in support or memory of someone with Breast Cancer. #PinkSunday #BreastCancer #PinkRibbon