Posted in Evangelism Good Person Test Way of the Master Witnessing

The Way of the Master

The Way of the Master is a method of evangelism popularized by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, which seeks to present the gospel message in a clear and concise way, using the Ten Commandments as a framework for explaining the need for salvation. #wayofthemaster

Posted in Augustine of Hippo Theology

Who was Augustine of Hippo

Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) was a Christian theologian and philosopher who made significant contributions to the development of Christian thought and doctrine. He is widely considered one of the most influential figures in the history of Christianity, and his writings continue to be studied and debated by scholars and theologians today. #AugustineofHippo

Posted in James Strong

Who was James Strong

James Strong (1822-1894) was an American biblical scholar and theologian, best known for his work on the Strong’s Concordance, which is still widely used today by scholars, preachers, and laypeople alike. Strong’s contributions to biblical scholarship and his dedication to the study of Scripture have had a lasting impact on the way we understand the Bible today. #JamesStrong

Posted in Christian Johnathon Edwards

Who was Johnathon Edwards?

Jonathan Edwards was an American theologian and pastor who lived during the 18th century. He was born on October 5, 1703, in East Windsor, Connecticut, and he passed away on March 22, 1758, in Princeton, New Jersey. Edwards was a significant figure in American Christianity, and his contributions to theology and philosophy continue to impact religious discourse today. #JohnathonEdwards

Posted in Christian John Calvin Martin Luther Theology

Reformed Theology

Reformed theology, also known as Calvinism, is a theological movement that emphasizes the sovereignty of God in all things. It is based on the teachings of John Calvin, a French theologian who lived in the 16th century, and other reformers. #reformedtheology

Posted in Bible Christian Gideons International

Gideon Bibles

Gideon Bibles are small pocket-sized Bibles that are commonly found in hotel rooms and other public places. They are often placed in drawers, nightstands, or on bedside tables, and are meant to provide travelers with a source of spiritual guidance and comfort during their stay away from home. #GideonBibles

Posted in Books Jesus Christ Parables R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus: The Explosive Power of Jesus Parables by R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus: The Explosive Power of Jesus Parables by R. Albert Mohler Jr. is a book that delves into the world of Jesus’ parables and the transformative power they hold.

Posted in Christian John Calvin

Who was John Calvin

John Calvin (1509-1564) was a French theologian and pastor who became one of the most influential figures in the development of Protestant Christianity. He was a key figure in the Protestant Reformation and is most well-known for his doctrine of predestination and his emphasis on the sovereignty of God. #JohnCalvin

Posted in leaven

Leaven symbolizes Growth and Corruption

Leaven symbolizes Growth and Corruption – Leaven, or yeast, is mentioned throughout the Bible as a symbol of both corruption and growth. In the Old Testament, leaven is often associated with sin and impurity, while in the New Testament, it represents the growth and spread of the kingdom of God. #leaven #bgbg2

Posted in Christian Kyle Idkeman

Who is Kyle Idleman

Kyle Idleman is a Christian pastor and author. He is the teaching pastor at Southeast Christian Church, one of the largest churches in the United States, located in Louisville, Kentucky. #KyleIdleman

Posted in Christian

The Westminster Confession of Faith

The Westminster Confession of Faith is a document that outlines the beliefs of the Presbyterian Church. It was written in the 17th century by a group of theologians and was intended to serve as a standard for the church’s doctrine and practice. #WestminsterCinfessionofFaith

a group of people sitting in a living room together
Posted in Christian Small Group

Benefits of a Small Group

Small groups have become an essential part of the church experience for many Christians in recent years. These groups, often referred to as Bible studies or home groups, consist of a small number of people who meet regularly to study the Bible, pray together, and build relationships with one another. #smallgroups

Posted in Christian Theology

Study of Theology

The study of theology covers a wide spectrum of topics and delves into the minds of great theological thinkers of the past. Theology seeks truth by dealing with the divine revelations in Scripture and Tradition. Their fields are concerned with the relationship of theology to the Holy Spirit, the nature of God and the relationship between God and man. #theology

Posted in Apocrypha Christian

The Apocrypha

The term “Apocrypha” refers to a collection of texts that are not included in the Jewish or Protestant Bibles. These texts are considered to be of uncertain origin or authorship and have been subject to much debate over the years. The Apocrypha is also sometimes referred to as the “Deuterocanonical” books, which means “second canon.” These books were initially included in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, and were later added to the Catholic Bible. In this blog post, we will explore the history and significance of the Apocrypha. #Apocrypha

While attending college at Florida Bible Institute (now Trinity College of Florida) in the late 1930s, Billy Graham preaches at local churches. #BillyGraham
Posted in Billy Graham

Who was Billy Graham

Billy Graham was a renowned Christian evangelist who played a pivotal role in the growth of Christianity in the United States and around the world. Born in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1918, Graham developed a strong Christian faith as a child and began preaching at revival meetings in his late teens. #BillyGraham

Posted in Martin Luther

Who was Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a German theologian, professor, and church reformer who is widely known for his role in the Protestant Reformation. Born in Eisleben, Germany, in 1483, Luther was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1507 and was a professor of theology at the University of Wittenberg. His teachings and writings on the nature of salvation and the authority of the church challenged the existing power structures of the Catholic Church, leading to the schism that gave birth to the Protestant movement. #MartinLuther

Posted in Martin Luther

The 95 Theses of Martin Luther

The 95 Theses, also known as the Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, were a series of statements written by Martin Luther October 31, 1517. Luther was a German monk and theologian who was critical of the Catholic Church’s practice of selling indulgences, which were supposed to reduce the amount of time a soul spent in purgatory. #95Theses

Posted in Charles Spurgeon

Who was Charles Spurgeon

Charles Spurgeon was a prominent English Baptist preacher who lived in the 19th century. He was born in Kelvedon, Essex, England in 1834 and died in Menton, France in 1892. Spurgeon is often referred to as the “Prince of Preachers” because of his powerful and influential sermons, which drew large crowds and inspired many people during his lifetime and beyond. #CharlesSpurgeon

Posted in Books Christian Craig Groeschel

Who is Craig Groeschel

Craig Groeschel is an American pastor, author, and speaker. He is the founder and senior pastor of Life.Church, which is one of the largest churches in the United States with multiple campuses across several states. #CraigGroeschel

two opened books
Posted in Bible

Disadvantages of Studying Multiple Bible Translations

Disadvantages of Studying Multiple Bible Translations – Studying multiple Bible translations can have some potential disadvantages, including: