Christian / Christian Music / God / Skillet / Xtreme Winter

Circus for a Psycho Music Video by Skillet

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Circus for a Psycho – YouTube Music video for Skillet. Listen to it! I share what I think this song may mean. Are you in a fight? Do you go round after round and cannot stop? You will want to listen to this song if you are or aren’t in a fight. It is a good song over all. #SkilletMusic

Bible / Encouragement / Evangelism / Fishing / God / Pirates / Tracts / Witnessing

Road Side Mascots – Show your encouragement

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Road Side Mascots, Chick-fil-A cow, to Zaxby’s chicken, even Lady Liberty of Liberty Tax. Next time you pass a road side mascot, beep at them or stop and talk to them. Offer them some kind of encouragement. #encouragement.


Free Movies

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Free movies! Yes, Free Christian movies to watch online! FREE MOVIES! Here is a list of some free movies/videos you can watch online that I recommend. These are the full version. Best of all these movies are free and you can watch them online. Most of these videos are on YouTube. Martin Luther – I Will Not Recant The Jesus Film   LIVING WATERS – RAY COMFORT MOVIES The Atheist Delusion A Ray Comfort, Living Waters movie about atheist and witnessing to atheist. Audacity A Ray Comfort, Living Waters movie about homosexuality and witnessing to a homosexual. 180 What changed […]

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