Bible / God / Jesus Christ / Road Signs of the Bible

Road Narrows

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Road Narrows, part of the Road Signs of the Bible series on Courageous Christian Father. I want to talk about a narrow road. A narrow road is a road that is not as wide to travel on. Narrow also means small. Narrow means less room. If we have less room to move around, we will have less chances of mess up. God’s Word tells us that his gate is narrow, but wide leads to destruction. If we were on a wide road, it won’t do us good. We must travel on the narrow road. A narrow road is often difficult […]

Christian Movies / Family / God / Jesus Christ / Marriage / Sin

The Encounter & The Encounter: Paradise Lost Movie Reviews & Trailers

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What if you had an encounter, an encounter with an omniscient person that knows everything about you. What if you come to find out it is Jesus, would you accept or Reject Him? That is where The Encounter, The Encounter: Paradise Lost and The Encounter TV Series comes along to show just these types of encounters. #TheEncounter

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