Christian / Christian Movies / Faith / Family / Forgiveness / God / Grace / Love / Pastors / Prayer / Printables

Printable Grace Cards

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Download your printable Grace Cards from the movie Grace Card. A Card to promise to pray, ask for forgiveness , to grant the same and to be their friend. Plus the synopsis and trailer to the movie Grace Card.

911 Babies / Christian / Christian Music / Evangelism / Jesus Christ / Righteous Rock T.V. / Risen Warrior

Sons Operating Under Lordship

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Sons Operating Under Lordship (S.O.U.L.) A Christ Centered Evangelical Platform Where Men of All Ages Can Come To Fellowship As Well As Edify And Mentor Each Other In The Kingdom Operation Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Apologetics / Christian Movies / Courageous / Cross / Death / Evangelism / Family / God / Healing / Heaven / Jesus Christ / Knoxville / Repent / Sickness / Solomon / Suicide / Witnessing

Do You Believe? Movie Review & Trailer

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I share my review and thoughts about the new Christian movie, Do You Believe? If you were charged with being a Christian Would there be enough evidence to convict you? Do you really believe in the Cross of Jesus Christ? #DoYouBelieve

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