Animals / Bible / Church / God / Jesus Christ / Pastors / Sin / Study / Testimonials / Witnessing / Wolves / Worship

The Story of 2 Wolves Fighting Inside Me

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Have you heard about the two wolves that live inside each and everyone one of us? They fight daily within us. One is a good wolf and the other is a bad wolf. So which one do you think will win? Find out in this blog post.

Educational / Faith / God / Healing / Sickness

The Science Teacher and the Christian Student

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A science teacher and a student talk about belief in God. Student shows the teacher about having Faith God exist. So I titled this The Science Teacher and the Christian Student. Read this story and tell me what you think?

Bible / Christian / Discipleship / Evangelism / God / Heaven / Hell / Jesus Christ / Testimonials / Tracts / Way of the Master / Witnessing

Are you a good person? (Video)

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This is Mr. Nice Guy, he believes he will go to heaven by being a good guy. Find out about this story. This video is also a good tool to use to witness to someone and point out the law and the need for a Savior. Are You A Good Person?

Bible / Christian / Church / God / Pastors / Prayer / Spiritual Gifts / Vacation Bible School

Using your gifts to help the church

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God has given each and every one of us special gifts (talents) to use. We need to use these talents to best of God’s ability in witnessing & to help the church. The church is one body with many parts.

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