Bible / God / Repent / Sin

How to be unpopular in the secular world

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How to be unpopular in the secular world – We are told to be in the world but not be of the world. That means we are to be separated we must be different than the world. We must also remember that the world hated Jesus before they hated us. #Unpopular

Bible / Christian / Encouragement / Gary Miller / God / Hunting / Outdoor Truths / Relationships

Behind the Scenes – Every part matters – Outdoor Truths

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This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Behind the Scenes – Every part matters. The truth remains that those in the limelight would not be in the limelight without someone sitting behind said light and turning it on. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Bible / Christian / Gary Miller / God / Hunting / Outdoor Truths / Relationships / Thanksgiving

Calling – A Closer Walk To God | Outdoor Truths

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Calling – A Closer Walk To God is this weeks Outdoor Truth with Gary Miller. God made me who I am – gifted in some ways, lacking in others. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Bible / Calvinism / God / Men of the Bible / Romans / Saul / Sin / Theology / Women of the Bible

Total depravity

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Total depravity – the doctrine that human nature is thoroughly corrupt and sinful as a result of the Fall. That all men are born evil. This is also known as the dead man theory or we are dead because of our sin and we must be born again or regenerated. That means man can do nothing to bring about his own salvation. #TotalDepravity #TULIP

Bible / Christian / Christmas / Gary Miller / God / Hunting / Outdoor Truths / Relationships

Christmas Time in the Woods – Outdoor Truths – Gary Miller

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This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about It’s Christmas time in the woods! It’s an opportunity to share the greatest story ever told. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller #Christmas

Bible / Creation / Evolution / God / Romans

Bible Verses Against Evolution

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Bible Verses Against Evolution – I guess you can say, this came about when one of the youth in my church asked me for Bible verses to help. This youth is taking evolution in school. Most schools do not teach creation, but only teach evolution theory or even the big bang theory. #Evolution #BigBangTheory #YoungEarth #Creation

Bible / Christian / Church / Courageous / Creation / God / Heaven / Hell / Jesus Christ / Men of the Bible / Murder / Notes / Saul / Sermon Notes / Women of the Bible

Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul

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Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul. I talk about how Saul saw the light, the light of Christ. He stopped persecuting Christians and became a Christian and then came known as Paul.

Bible / Christian / Family / God / Health & Fitness / Heaven / Hell / Jesus Christ / Marriage / Men of the Bible / Romans / Sin

10 Reasons why Christians Shouldn’t Drink

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10 Reasons why Christians Shouldn’t Drink – I discuss ten reasons why Christians shouldn’t drink. I even share some scriptures as well. #Drinking #Christians

Bible / Christian Music / Church / Encouragement / God / Holy Spirit / Jesus Christ / Lamb / Love / Men of the Bible / Repent / Sin / Worship

Regeneration by Shai Linne

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This is the video song and lyrics to the song Regeneration by Shai Linne. Shai Linne is a Christian Rapper who raps Biblical & Theological truths. #ShaiLinne #Regeneration

Bible / Christian Music / Church / Family / God / Jesus Christ / Men of the Bible / Prayer / Sin / Theology / Women of the Bible

Cosmic Powers by Shai Linne

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Cosmic Powers by Shai Linne w/lyrics. The Devil’s lurking and he’s prowling in the night, Seeking whom he may devour on sight, He’s subtle and he’s clever, full of malice and spite … #ShaiLinne #CosmicPowers

Bible / Christian / Church / Faith / Family / God / Jesus Christ / Pastors / The Word of the Week / Theology

The Word of the Week – Contend Earnestly For the Faith

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The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is Contend Earnestly For the Faith. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW

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