Christian / Mark Batterson

Who is Mark Batterson

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Unveiling the Remarkable Journey of Mark Batterson: A Visionary Leader – In every generation, there are individuals whose passion, vision, and dedication make a profound impact on the world around them. Mark Batterson is undeniably one of those extraordinary individuals. As an accomplished author, pastor, and visionary leader, Batterson has left an indelible mark on the lives of countless people through his transformative teachings and relentless pursuit of God’s purpose. In this blog post, we will explore the life and work of Mark Batterson, shedding light on the remarkable journey of this inspirational figure.

Bible / Christian / Church / Discipleship / Evangelism / Fear / God / Jesus Christ / Notes / Prayer / Pumpkin / Romans / Sermon Notes / Sin / Study / Tracts / Witnessing / Worship

Halloween Alternatives

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Halloween alternatives: Facts on Halloween & Bible verses that pertain to not dealing or imitate darkness, evil, spirits. Participating in Halloween may seem fun. But, there is nothing fun about playing on Satan’s playground. It does not matter how many other people are playing there with you. We should be worshiping the Lord our God and sharing his faith, not inviting the devil to have his fun. #Halloween #HalloweenAlternatives

Christian / Council of Nicea / Jesus Christ

Council of Nicea

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The Council of Nicea: Unifying the Belief in Christ’s Divinity — In the early years of Christianity, the Church faced a significant theological dispute that threatened to divide its followers. This dispute centered around the nature of Jesus Christ and his relationship to God the Father. The controversy was primarily due to a doctrine known as Arianism, proposed by Arius of Alexandria, which claimed that Christ was not divine but a created being. This belief challenged the foundational Christian tenet of Christ’s divinity and equality with God. The Council of Nicea: Unifying the Belief in Christ’s Divinity To address this […]

Bible / Christian / Christian Books / Emmaus / Fruit of the Spirit / God / Grace / Love / Men of the Bible / Quotes / Rainbow / Revelation / Sin / Weather

The Rainbow: A Covenant from God

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The rainbow is a covenant from God, a beautiful gift that God gave us along with a covenant from God. I even share what others have told me the rainbow means to them. #Rainbow #God

Christian / Reformation / Root Beer

Root Beer: The Reformer’s Beverage of Choice

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Root Beer: The Reformer’s Beverage of Choice – In the realm of Christian history, we often associate the term “Reformer” with influential figures such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other brave men and women who challenged the status quo of their time. We remember their tireless efforts to bring about spiritual renewal and to restore biblical truths in the Church. However, one aspect of their lives that often goes unnoticed is their beverage of choice. Surprisingly, it is not the alcoholic beverages commonly associated with historical figures but rather a non-alcoholic, fizzy, and delightful drink known as root beer. In this blog post, we explore the connection between root beer and the Reformers, shedding light on how this refreshing beverage reflects their values and principles. #RootBeer


The Crayon Initiative

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The Crayon Initiative: Coloring the World with Kindness — The smallest acts of kindness can make the biggest difference, The Crayon Initiative stands out as a beacon of hope and creativity. This remarkable non-profit organization has taken on the mission of recycling used and unwanted crayons to not only preserve our environment but also to enrich the lives of hospitalized children through art and imagination². #CrayonInitiative

Baptist / Christian / Tennessee / Tennessee Baptist Mission Board

The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board’s 150th Anniversary

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The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board’s 150th Anniversary — As the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board (TBMB) marks a significant milestone, celebrating 150 years of unwavering service and spiritual guidance, we take a moment to reflect on the profound impact it has had on countless lives and communities. #TBMB #tnbaptist



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Hanukkah is a holiday celebrated by the Jewish religion. Hanukkah is a Hebrew verb meaning to dedicate. It is sometimes spelled Chanukah, Chanukkah, or Chanuka. Hanukkah is the celebration of Festival of Lights. This is an rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem. #Hanukkah

Christian / Jesus Christ

The Controversial Remark: John Lennon claimed that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus

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The Controversial Remark: John Lennon claimed that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus – Few statements have sparked as much controversy as the one where John Lennon claimed that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. This bold assertion, made during an interview in 1966, sent shockwaves through the world, leading to protests, album burnings, and a reevaluation of the band’s influence on society.


If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything

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The Liberating Power of Truth: A Christian Perspective – In a world filled with complexities and moral dilemmas, the age-old wisdom of Mark Twain rings true: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” As Christians, we find profound guidance in the Scriptures that reinforces the importance of truth in our lives. #bgbg2


Making a Difference: We Can’t Help Everyone, but You Can Help Someone

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Making a Difference: We Can’t Help Everyone, but You Can Help Someone – In a world filled with challenges and struggles, the desire to make a positive impact can sometimes feel overwhelming. The truth is, we may not be able to help everyone, but each one of us has the power to make a difference in someone’s life.

Christian / Fear / Jesus Christ

Your Fear is Afraid of Jesus: Finding Strength in Faith

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Your Fear is Afraid of Jesus: Finding Strength in Faith – In a world filled with uncertainties and anxieties, fear can easily creep into our lives, paralyzing us and preventing us from living to our fullest potential. But as Christians, we have a powerful source of strength that can overcome even the most overwhelming fears – the love and presence of Jesus Christ. In this blog post, we will explore how your fear is afraid of Jesus and how you can find courage and hope through your faith in Him.

Christian / Christian Books

I am Restored by LeCrae

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I am Restored by LeCrae – LeCrae, a celebrated hip-hop artist and a prominent figure in the Christian music scene, has recently released his highly anticipated autobiographical book, I Am Restored: How I Lost My Religion but Found My Faith. In this powerful memoir, LeCrae takes readers on a deeply personal journey of redemption, vulnerability, and ultimately, finding true restoration in his faith.

Christian / Jesus Christ

Mini Jesus / Little Jesus / Pocket Jesus

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Mini Jesus / Little Jesus / Pocket Jesus — The activity of hiding mini Jesus figures in churches, schools, and stores seems to be a recent trend aimed at providing a physical reminder of Jesus’ presence in everyday life. It’s a way to encourage people to remember the spiritual aspect of their lives as they go about their daily routines. #minijesus #littleJesus #alittlejesusgoesalongway

Bible / Christian / Educational / God / Jesus Christ / Romans / The Life Book / Witnessing

Bring Your Bible to School Day

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Bring Your Bible to School Day – Students, mark your calendar for Bring your Bible to School Day. Tell your friends, family and everyone! Share this blog post so others will know about it too. Do you know that what you bring to school says a lot about you. You can bring a lot of things to school, Why not bring your Bible? #BringYourBible #BgBg2

Bible / Christian / Men of the Bible

Fanning the Flames of Faith: Lessons from an Eagle Scout and 2 Timothy 1

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Fanning the Flames of Faith: Lessons from an Eagle Scout and 2 Timothy 1 – In the world of scouting, the image of an Eagle Scout skillfully fanning the flames of a campfire is a familiar one. It symbolizes both the ability to ignite a fire and the responsibility to nurture and sustain it. As Christians, we can draw valuable lessons from this imagery. In the second letter of Timothy, the Apostle Paul provides guidance on how to fan the flames of our faith. Just as an Eagle Scout tends to a campfire, we are called to nurture and protect the fire of our faith, allowing it to grow brighter and stronger. Let’s explore two powerful lessons from 2 Timothy 1 that can inspire us to fan the flames of our faith. #bgbg2

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