Outdoor Truths

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller

I’m getting pretty excited about turkey season. It’s only a week away here but the toms are already gobbling and strutting. It’s their time of year and they know it. The next several weeks could be exciting for us hunters. Or not. I’ve hunted too many years to make bold predictions. Everything from the weather to the number of predators can change a successful year into one that you want to forget. But I’ll still remain optimistic until proven wrong. I’m not sure what it is about turkey hunting that gets me so pumped up. I love other types of hunting as well but this is so different. Most of the time, the action is non-stop. Either you are moving and pursuing them or you’re motionless and they are coming to you. And noise is mostly your friend. To hear a gobble vibrate the hollow you’re in is a sound that has very few comparisons. The size of these birds is also deceiving. To be 20 yards away from a bird that weighs 25 pounds and has its tail feathers spread in a semi-circle is a sight difficult to describe. Its looks can be described both as beautiful and ugly. There is nothing very attractive about the face and head of a tom but to see those tail feathers perfectly symmetrical in shape and design is striking. His advantage is his eyes. It is said that a turkey can see at least 3x the power of the human eye and in color. That’s why when it comes to camo, color, and concealment; you better have your game on.

When I think about the challenges that turkey hunting offers, I am always reminded of what makes guys tick. We just love anything that has risk and reward, especially when the odds are against us. No matter how many times we have missed, what feeds our desire to keep going are the few times we have hit our mark. We truly believe that if we had success only one time, that is enough for the possibility of success over and over again. I think overall it is a great quality and I also think when a church finds a way to transfer this quality to ministry, she will find the key in reaching crowds of men and making spiritual strides that she has never made before. Because when people’s passion is greater than the odds that are against them, they accomplish things that make a world set up and take notice. And when that happens, God gets the glory.

Gary Miller

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visit: outdoortruths.org

DISCLAIMER: The views, beliefs and opinions expressed in this article, Outdoor Truths, are those of Gary Miller and do not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs or opinions of Courageous Christian Father. Outdoor Truth’s is a syndicated article published in various newspaper and online sources and has been used on Courageous Christian Father with permission from Gary Miller. #OutdoorTruths

About the Author

Author: Gary Miller

Gary began pursuing his desire to write a newspaper column to hunters and fishermen that would lead them to contemplate their relationship with their Creator. The column was picked up by two newspapers. After these many years now, it covers much of the country not only through several newspapers but also through regional magazines and online. His writing provided opportunities to speak to these same hunters and fishermen at events such as Beast Feasts. The results were men giving their lives to Christ. Even though he was not raised in a hunting or fishing home, Gary has followed his heart to the water and woods since he was a child. What started on the banks of the local canal catching carp, now extends to every part of his life as he aims outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen toward Christ.

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