Only God Grows

Only God Grows – God is what grows, he grows us, he grows plants and He grows His Kingdom.

Only God Grows


“So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭7 NASB

God is what grows, he grows us, he grows plants and He grows His Kingdom.

If there is growth God is behind it.

God grows us! As we grow we get closer and closer to God. He is the one that builds us. He does this so we can share the gospel.

He grows the plants! Be brings the rain and sun that helps to grow the food we eat. God uses us as the rain and sun in people when sharing the Gospel of Christ.

He also grows His Kingdom. When we share the gospel we are called to go. We might not see a response right away, but in God’s time, He will grow that person. Only the Holy Spirit draws those to Him.

We must remember it is nothing we do, as we cannot do it but He can. As all things are possible with Him. It is God that grows!

I thank God for His growth!

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