Online Communion – with churches not able to meet in person due to the COVID-19, some churches are getting creative and doing online communion. #OnlineCommunion
Online Communion

Just like online churches, churches are also doing communion online. The only thing is how well are the elements being guarded and how do members get the elements.
Traditionally they are either passed down the pew you are in, or at a table and you get up and walk to the communion table to get the elements. Juice = Precious Blood of Jesus that was shed and the Waffer = Body of Jesus that was broken for us.
It then reminded me of something I saw online, individually wrapped communion packages. The package contains both elements the juice and the waffer. It was called the Fellowship Cup.
The fellowship cup also states it can fit in the communion juice tray. Also known as communion cup, remembrance cup and more.
So how do you guard the elements? We know that we cannot take the elements if we are not a believer for one. Plus, we cannot take the elements in an unfit way. How will the elements be guarded?
The other thing is, with a time of physical distancing, how do we get the elements to the people?
I asked a pastor about how the members would get the elements and he replied they would use a cracker and any juice they had at home.
My next reply was, the bread element isn’t it suppose to be unleavened? Meaning no yeast. His reply: Steve Patterson in a perfect setting according to Passover yes Steve, but I’m hoping the Lord will help us remember His sacrifice during this unusual time with whatever we have available.
If your church is doing this or has done this I want to hear from you.
How did it go? What was it like? How did you get the elements? Anything else you want to share, feel free to share in the comments below.
If your church didn’t, what are your thoughts about doing communion at a distance like this?
As I learn more, I will update this post or make a new one. So make sure to follow this blog!
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Steve-excellent post. We are actually having our first online communion tomorrow. It will be different, but I think the main thing is that individually we center our hearts and focus our minds on what Christ did for us on the Cross, even while we are corporately separated due to social distancing rules locally. Enjoyed reading this. Keep up the good blogging.
Awesome! Make sure to come back and tell me about it. I’d love to hear about the experience. Yes, there are still things we can do. Did the church members get an individual communion packet or they just made do with what they had at home? Thanks for reading and commenting Rainer.