inferior turbinate septum - Septoplasty

One Month Since Septoplasty

It has been just over a month since I had my Septoplasty nasal surgery and my turbinates drilled on November 20, 2015. I have noticed a big difference so far. I am not breathing out of my mouth like I use to. I seem to be breathing much better. Even my CPAP therapy seems to do better with me as well.

inferior turbinate septum - Septoplasty

One thing I did noticed is my allergies have been acting up a lot more, but that could also due to the warmer than usual weather as it is still near 70 degrees for the highs here in December. I did find out that I am allergic to cockroaches, horse, dog, molds and trees to name some of them.

I did get allergy testing done prior the Septoplasty and sleep study. I even get weekly allergy shots, one in each arm and carry an Epi-Pen now because of those allergy shots. I even had to go through a recall on the first prescribed epi-pen called an Auvi-Q.

I do believe so far, just a little one month after the Septoplasty that it has helped out a lot. I do my nose is a little tender to the touch still. Not as much as it first was after the surgery. More of the tenderness went away about a couple to few weeks after.

I am suppose to do the nasal rinsing 4 times a day. I have noticed that since the stents were removed, I have slacked on that some. But, I can tell my nose dries out, so I try to remember to do it, but it seemed easier to do when the stents were still in my nose.

Below are some other medical related blog post if you are interested.

Despite my allergies seem to be worse right now, that could be due to the warmer than usual weather in East Tennessee toward the end of December, my breathing is much better. I seem to be able to breath much better. I have noticed not as many headaches as I use to get. But, I also know God has me in His hands it was according to His will I got fixed and the knowledge He gave the medical stuff. I just know total healing comes in the glorified new body in Heaven.

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