Old Time Saturday no longer, The Mossy Creek Station Festival replacing

The City Of Jefferson City is committed to continuing the former Old Time Saturday Festival on the first Saturday of October from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the festival will now be named The Mossy Creek Station Festival. This event is an official event of the City of Jefferson City. Frank Brown, former e ent director, has agreed to be the event coordinator for the City of Jefferson City. Mr. Brown may be contacted at 865-964-5572. Applications for vendors may be picked up at Jefferson City Hall or May be emailed. Any previous volunteers are welcome to help continue to make this a great Festival. Let’s work together as a community to continue this tradition.
Old Time Saturday no longer, The Mossy Creek Station Festival replacing
Below is a response from the former people of Old Time Saturday Festival.
I want the whole community to be certain of one thing. This new festival is a replacement festival and has nothing to do with Old Time Saturday, nor does it with Bill and Nancy Tullock. We have not been any part of this planning and never will be. These are just people taking advantage of my grandmother’s death and seeing it as an opportunity for their own benefit. This was proven to be true when Mayor Mitch Cain tried to get his picture with me handing me a check written by someone else. This was at the city council meeting last night and I refused and thought that attempt of more deceitfulness spoke volumes. Please know that anything you see or hear other than straight from me is false regarding any of my involvement in this. This is a replacement, period. Our community is awesome and your support has helped me through this ordeal and I appreciate y’all more than words can ever say! ❤❤❤
Old Time Saturday has been around since 1986.
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Disappointed in the Mossy Creek Festival