NoNoNoNo Cat Dies

NoNoNoNo Cat Dies – Marquis the Russian Cat, better known as NoNoNoNo Cat has passed away. #NoNoNoNOCat

NoNoNoNo Cat Dies


He died in the Russian City of Perm.Which is near the Ural Mountains.

He actually passed away June 2018 on his 16th birthday. He did live a long life! So he was maybe around 80 Cat Years.

NoNoNoNo Cat Dies - Marquis the Russian Cat, better known as NoNoNoNo Cat has passed away. #NoNoNoNOCat

He got famous from a viral video on YouTube, it racked over 12 million views. It was shot back in 2004. Uploaded in 2011 on YouTube, shown below, His meow sounds like No No No No.

The video was also shown on Animal Planet and even on a morning show in Japan.

(No No No No Cat)

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