No Kid Sleeps on the Floor Ministry – There are many children that sleep on floors or something else other than a bed not only through out Tennessee but everywhere. That is where Sleep in Heavenly Peace helps.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace helps provide beds for children that sleep on the floor and in partnership with many local churches like First Baptist Church of Jacksboro.
The national estimates say that two to four percent of the children in the United States do not have a bed of their own. They even say that number is even higher in places such as the Appalachian areas of Tennessee, north of Knoxville and even Kentucky areas.
“When you actually see kids get something they’ve never had before, it really hits home, the parents were crying and were overwhelmed when the beds were delivered to their home. I had never experienced anything like that.”
Bill Thompson, Chapter president of Sleep in Heavenly Peace in the Knoxville area.
Since the ministry began last October, the chapter has provided about 90 beds, including 48 in Campbell County. That is the county where First Baptist Church of Jackboro is located. At the time of this article, they have about 58 requests for beds, and they average about new ones five per week.
Part of their mission is to see that all children have a safe, comfortable place to lay their heads. They are a group of volunteers dedicated to building, assembling and delivering top-notch bunk beds to children and families in need.
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Learn more about the Knoxville area in this article from the Baptist & Reflector.
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