New Alliance Fights to End Veteran Suicide – Partnering with the White House and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), several nonprofits have come together to form the Faith Based Veteran Service Alliance (FBVSA) in order to make a global impact in the fight against veteran suicide.
New Alliance Fights to End Veteran Suicide

“Today, more than ever, our veterans need our support,” said Dr. Damon Friedman, former Air Force special operator, President of Shield of Faith Missions and Co-Chairman of FBVSA. “Not only may they be facing issues like post-traumatic stress (PTS) or traumatic brain injury (TBI), which already leaves them feeling lost and alone, but now we face a very scary time in our country due to the COVID-19 virus. The isolation they already feel, on top of possibly having to quarantine due to the virus, makes them especially vulnerable. We want to help every veteran possible.”
In the FBVSA logo seal you will see sub una gente deum which is Latin for One Nation Under God. Plus at the top of the seal you will see God and Country. Plus the Roman numerals MMXX which is 2020.
On June 17, 2020, the White House announced the rollout of the PREVENTS Task Force Roadmap to empower veterans and end the national tragedy of suicide. Former President Donald Trump said this roadmap expands White House and VA’s partnerships to include those with faith-based leaders to establish specialized support systems for our veterans.
Chad Robichaux, founder of The Mighty Oaks Foundation and Co-Chairman of FBVSA attended the White House briefing. “President Trump said ending the tragedy of veteran suicide demands bold action at every level of society. FBVSA is an alliance devoted to bold action. There is hope, and a solution found through a multitude of faith-based non-profit organizations providing life-saving programs. Our military warriors face many issues, but together we are bringing the solution.” said Robichaux.
Made up of SOF Missions, Mighty Oaks Warrior Program, The Warrior’s Journey, All Things Possible, Reboot Recovery, Soul Survivor Outdoor, and Roever Foundation; the alliance will offer guidance and consultation to the DoD and VA for the implementation of best practices in care for our veterans.
The charter members of the FBVSA are active in all 50 states, have more than 1,000 volunteers, served more than 750,000 active duty and veterans served, connected with more than 50 other VSOs, organized more than 4000 events/programs across the country and have over 6 million engaged audience members and 3 billion impressions on social media.
Article Compliments of FAITH NEWS SERVICE
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