National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day

National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day - when do you take town that Chrstimas Tree? Did you know there is a national day for taking the Christmas Tree Down? #ChristmasTree

National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day – when do you take town that Chrstimas Tree? Did you know there is a national day for taking the Christmas Tree Down? #ChristmasTree

National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day


Some people take down the Christmas Tree the day after Christmas. Others wait until after the New Year. I have heard of a select keep the Christmas Tree up all year long.

But a lot of people wait until the Day of Epiphany (Three Kings Day). Which is the 12th Day of Christmas.

That is January 6. That is the day when the Magi (Wise Men) visited Jesus.

2023, I found out others do it January 13th on Saint Knut’s Day.

I didn’t know people waited that long. Growing up, I believe we always waited until after the New Year, like January 2. My wife said they always waited until January 6 because of The Day of Epiphany.

Even on Air1 the other day, they were talking to Eric on of the DJ and he asked when you take down the Christmas Tree.

I am not sure when this day began or even who started, but there you go!

When do you?

When do you take down your Christmas Tree and why? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Christmas Tree image compliments of Metro Creative. First published January 5, 2019. Last updated or republished December 21, 2023.

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