National French Toast Day - one of my favorite breakfast items has it's own day ... The French Toast! #FrenchToastDay #FrenchToast

National French Toast Day – one of my favorite breakfast items has it’s own day … The French Toast! #FrenchToastDay #FrenchToast

National French Toast Day

National French Toast Day - one of my favorite breakfast items has it's own day ... The French Toast! #FrenchToastDay #FrenchToast

Besides bacon, my other favorite breakfast food item is French Toast. I could eat breakfast at Lunch, Dinner or even a snack. French toast is a piece of bread soaked in eggs and milk, then fried. I like to add vanilla and cinnamon to my egg mixture. It is very yummy with maple syrup and butter on it. Plus, eating it with some bacon or even sausage.

In France, its name is ‘pain perdu’, which literally means ‘lost bread’, because it would often be made with stale or old bread. However, this dish is believed to origniate in Latin and Roman cultures or even German. It has also been called Poor Knights Pudding. However with this dish, it still is soaked in the egg mixture and usually has mozzerella cheese in the middle.

The Roman Empire called their style, called Pan Dulcis, where Romans would soak bread in milk (and sometimes also egg) mixture, then fry it in oil or butter.

A New York innkeeper named Joseph French made his own version of the historical recipe in the 1700s and called it French’s Toast (Frenchs Toast) — forgetting the apostrophe. Eventually it became known as “French Toast.”

This day is held every November 28. I am not sure when this day was first celebrated or who started it.

Nonetheless, we can enjoy breakfast all day long!

French Toast Recipe

Items Needed

  • Sliced Bread
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Cinnamon (Optional)
  • Vanilla Extract or Flavoring (Optional)
  • Butter
  • Cooking Spray
  • Maple Syrup or Plain Syrup (optional)
  • Powdered Sugar (Optional)
  • Fruit (Optional)
    • Strawberries (Optional)
    • Blackberries (Optional)
    • Etc. (Optional)


  1. Heat Frying Pan or Griddle
  2. Mix the a few eggs, milk, pinch of cinnamon and a splash of vanilla.
    • The cinnamon and vanilla is optional, but I think makes better tasting French Toast
  3. Lightly spray using cooking spray, use caution since the pan or griddle is hot
  4. Soak both sides of a slice of bread in the egg mixture
  5. Fry each side until nice and done
  6. Top with butter
  7. Top with Maple Syrup (Optional)
  8. Top Powdered Sugar (Optional)
  9. Top with Fruit (Optional)
  10. Enjoy!

Or check out Baked Egg Nog French Toast!

First published November 27, 2018. Last updated or republished November 23, 2020.

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