May 1, 2014 commemorates National Day of Prayer. It is a holiday for prayer. Not that we need a holiday for prayer cause we should pray everyday, actually according to 1 Thessalonians 5:17, pray without ceasing.[1] Pretty much which tells us we should be constantly in prayer. Non-stop praying. This years (2014) will be the 63rd annual National Day of Prayer. The 2014’s theme is One Voice, United in Prayer.[2] With this years verse being, “So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is found in Romans 15:6.[3] National Day of Prayer is observed the first Thursday of each May. Harry Truman signed a bill April 17, 1952 proclaiming National Day of Prayer.[4] This day stands out because April 17th, is also my daughters birthday. Of course she wasn’t born then, I was even born then. The point of National Day of Prayer is to try to get everyone in unity to pray around the same time. Praying for America for one. To get us all back into praying and having devotional time with ourselves and our families. Our Nation, world even, is turning away from God. We need to start praying for God to start moving again throughout our National and the the World. Prayer is easy to do. Prayer is talking to God. So not only on this holiday take time to pray, but make it a point to pray everyday. Make sure you ask forgiveness of your sins too.
More information:
[1] 1 Thessalonians 5:17 NKJV [2] nationaldayofprayer.org [3] Romans 15:6 [4] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Day_of_Prayer
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DEar LOrd watch over us. Speak to who are in authority. Open their hearts ND MINDS.
Thanks for sharing and for praying.
everyday is prayer day & we ought to include our own nation & the world