Nashville Plaque with Joshua 6:20 - April 19

Joshua 6:20 was on this memorial plaque my daughter pointed this out to me while were were in Nashville, TN for the YEC. She saw it as we were walking back to our cars from being a YEC Volunteer. The first thing I noticed was the Bible Verse, Joshua 6:20.

Joshua 6:20 New King James Version (NKJV)

20 So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.

The above is what the New King James Version says.Of course this verse here in Joshua is referring to the Walls of Jericho.

The plaque below on the Court House in downtown Nashville, TN says a shorter version of the verse. Below is what the plaque says and the image of the plaque. Which gives why they used that Bible verse plus an educational lesson about Nashville, TN.

April 19, 1960

“And the people shouted with a great shout; so that the wall fell down.” Joshua 6:20

On the 19th of April 1960, Nashville proclaimed itself a beacon of civility, common sense and reconciliation.

Following months of civil rights sit-ins, the home of Mack City Councilman Z. Alexander Looby was bombed in the early hours of the morning, and several thousand marchers walked to this courthouse in protect.

In the charged atmosphere of that afternoon, Mayor Ben West broke the impasse and he told the crowd that he believed it morally wrong for store owners to sell to blacks while denying them service at lunch counters. He made this statement in public exchange with Fisk student Diane Nash.

And in Nashville, the walls of segregation crumbled.

This memorial commemorates the civility of those demonstrators, Mayor Ben West and our community on that day. May we continue to live together as one God-fearing community forever.

Philip Bredsen – Mayor – April 19, 1995

I pray that we can as a nation in whole come back as a God-fearing nation again. We have become a nation with no fear of God and a nation that is turn our backs on God.

Nashville Plaque with Joshua 6:20 - April 19
Nashville Plaque with Joshua 6:20 – April 19

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