Names of Santa

Names of Santa Claus – Did you know that who we call Santa Claus is different in other countries. They call him by a different name. Also, did you know in some countries he is skinny while other countries he is overweight. Also in some countries, he wears green while other countries he wears red.

70+ Names of Santa Claus Across the World

Over 15 Names of Santa Claus Across the World #SantaClaus #Christmas #Santa
Names of Santa image

Some tid-bit info there. Here are what other countries call “Santa Claus“ Remember Christmas isn’t about Santa, or whatever name he goes by as listed below, but it is about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus was born, died and raised from the dead so that we may live. Christmas is about the birth of our Savior. Remember our God never changes, as you can see Santa Claus does change based on where you live, like his appearance, but God who sent His Son for us never changes.

Santa Claus 🎅 has many names across the world. Here is a huge list of what people call him from around the world.

  1. Albania Babadimri
  2. Argentina Papa Noel
  3. Armenia Gaghant Baba
  4. Australia Santa Claus
  5. Austria ChristKind
  6. Bahamas Santa Claus
  7. Belgium Pére Noël / Pere Noel or Sankt Nicolaus

  1. Bermuda Santa Claus
  2. Brazil Papai Noel
  3. Bulgaria Dyado Koleda
  4. Canada (Pére Noël / Pere Noel, Father Christmas, Santa Claus)
  5. Chile Viejo Pascuero
  6. China Dun Che Lao Ren
  7. Czech Svaty Mikolas
  8. Denmark Julemanden
  9. Dutch Sinter Klaas
  10. Egypt Papa Noel
  11. England Father Christmas
  12. Ethiopia Yágena Abãt’ (Christmas Father)
  13. France Pére Noël / Pere Noel
  14. Finland Joulupukki (Christmas Goat)
  15. Germany Weihnachtsmann, St. Nikolaus or Kris Kringle (Christ Child)
  16. Georgia – Tovlis Papa [This is the country, not the state!]
  17. Greece Agios Vassilios
  18. Greenland Juulimaaq
  19. Haiti Tonton Nwèl
  20. Hawaii Kanokaloka
  21. Holland De Kerstmann or Sankt Nicolaus
  22. Hong Kong Santa Claus, Father Christmas or Sing Daan Lou Yan (Christmas Old Man)
  1. Hungary Mikulas
  2. Iceland Yule Lads. The Yule Lads, Yuletide-lads, or Yulemen (Icelandic: jólasveinarnir or jólasveinar)
  3. India Santa Claus, Baba
  4. Indonesia Sinterklass’
  5. Iran Baba Noel
  6. Iraq Vader kerfees
  7. Ireland Santa, Santee or Daidi Na Nollaig
  8. Italy Befana or Babbo Natale
  9. Jamaica Santa Claus
  10. Japan Santa Kurohsu, Odzi San or Hoteiosho (a god or priest who bears gifts)
  11. Kenya Father Christmas/Santa Claus
  12. Latvi Ziemassvētku vecītis (Christmas Old Man)
  13. Lichtenstein ChristKind
  14. Lithuania Kaledo Senelis
  15. Madagascar Dadabe Noely
  16. Mexico Los duendes ayudan a Papá Noel (Elves Help Santa Claus)
  17. Morocco Black Peter
  18. Netherlands Kerstman or Sinterklaas
  19. New Zealand Santa Claus
  20. Norway Julenissens (Christmas Gnome)
  21. Pakistan Christmas Baba
  22. Peru Papa Noel
  23. Philippines Santa Klaus
  24. Poland Swiety Mikolaj
  25. Portugal Pai Natal
  26. Romania Mos Craciun
  27. Russia Baboushka Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost)
  28. Scandinavia Julenisse
  29. Serbia Serbia Grandfather Frost (Дедa Мрaз / Deda Mraz) or Christmas Brother (Божић Бата / Božić Bata)
  30. Singapore Sing Daan Lou Yan (Christmas Old Man)
  31. South Africa Vader Kersfees
  32. South Korea santa kullosu or Santa GrandFather
  33. Spain Papa Noel/El Nino Jesus
  34. Sri Lanka Naththal Seeya
  35. Sweden Jultomten (Christmans Brownie)
  36. Switzerland Samichlaus or St. Nicholas
  37. Taiwan Sing Daan Lou Yan (Christmas Old Man)
  38. Trinidad & Tobago Santa Claus
  39. Turkey Noel Baba
  40. United Kingdom Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Kris Kringler, Kris Kringle
  41. United States Santa Claus
  42. Vietnam Ông già Noel (Christmas Old Man)

As I mention above, Santa’s appearance changes. In the United States he is a fat man in red. In another country, he is slender and in green. I am glad my God doesn’t change like this fictional character known as Santa Claus. I even read in some Asia countries, he wears blue.

Just a note, we also have heard Santa called Kris Kringle that’s German for Christ Child. Also Santa in Spain means Saint.

Plus St. Nick or St. Nicholas is a real Person and who we get Santa Claus from. He was a religious person, a bishop.

Both Canada and Finland say they are homes to Santa.

Check out this list of over 70 names for Santa around the world. #SantaClaus Share on X

Christ out of Christmas

Yes, today we seem to be taking Christ out of Christmas, with things like Santa Claus and such. We are losing the true meaning of what Christmas is all about … the birth of our Savior. He came born of a virgin, lived a sinless life. Jesus Christ obediently died on the cross to save us from our sins. He arose three days later and now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf.

Some countries Santa comes December 24, Christmas Eve or early Christmas Morning on December 25. In other countries he comes on January 6, Day of Epiphany. I even read where in Serbia he comes on CHRISTmas Eve.

Name Not Mentioned?

See a name for Santa Claus not mentioned? Feel free to share it in the comments so I can add it to this growing list! Check back often, as I may add more!

These were posted in Patterson Post 02, our family Christmas Newsletter from 2002. First published December 16, 2014 on Courageous Christian Father. Last updated/republished on December 17, 2020.

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