I saw this graphic and I thought I would relate to it. One I am a graphic designer and I can design business cards and too back in the day I use to collect business cards. It does seem as soon as you get the business cards in, something changes. Most of the time someones title changes, a direct line changes or more. But lets look at this comic.
The top comic shows a businessman talking to Simon. Simon ordered some business cards. The sales person hands Simon the business cards and says, “Here’s your order sir! A thousand business cards saying “Simon the Fisherman”!
Then a note that says later that day …
In the bottom comic you have a few of the disciples and even Jesus talking to Simon. Jesus goes up to Simon and says, “Simon! From now on you shall be known as Peter!”
There you go a name change and on business cards. Of course we know the name change is Biblical, but Simon Peter ordering business cards wasn’t. But it is a good illustration. But Jesus changed peoples names for a reason. Another big name change was Saul to Paul.
The name change from Simon to Peter is in John 1:42.
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