I want to take this time to first and foremost thank God for my recent blessing He has provided.
(January 17, 2014)
I would also like to thank my church, Piedmont Baptist, for helping with this blessing and also everyone who has been praying for me.
Some of you may know, some might not. My car that I have had for a long time, broke down. So I have recently been without a car for almost 3 months. I have borrowed a car and got rides here and there to get me where I needed to go. Plus, I am a single father with custody of my daughter as well. So being a single parent you can image how hard that can be.
Also being a single father with custody, I learn and now how hard single mothers struggle and barely make ends meet. I have high respect for all single mothers and even single fathers with custody like me.
God recently blessed me with this 2004 Dodge Stratus. I bought used for a fairly good price. I was able to get it with a love offering (I didn’t ask my church for this either) and a personal small loan. I thank God for it and also for me being a part of a loving, caring and praying church.
It has been a hard 3 months for me, but I still stayed the course and stayed faithful. We must stay faithful even in the hardest storms we face. One good thing that kept me going is knowing that God is with me and he will provide. He is our great provider.
Too often we don’t thank God for all the blessings we have. Sometimes we take for granted the blessings He has already provided. Often it could be we don’t even know what blessings we do have until it’s gone. I am not saying this happened in my case, just saying in general. (See my post: 10,000 Reasons)
I think during this time I learned how to be a bit more humble and ask for help like for transportation and other areas of help during that time. I prayed and prayed for help from God. I knew He was the only one that could help me and He did. Where does my help come from? It comes from my Heavenly Father above!
One thing I can tell you, God always provides and is our great deliverer and more. Proof throughout the Bible on that, including in Exodus when God we providing for His people while Moses was taking them on their way to the Promise land. God still provides for us the same way, until we get to the promised land, the promise of Heaven and eternity with Him there.
Thanks to my Heaven Father for always being there for me.
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